Chapter 15

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They walked into the room they were allowed to stay in.

Terrance looked around, there were no beds, instead there were strange hammocks. Instead of being spread out between two points like normal they were connected at one point. All four corners hanging from one hook

It was all wooden but not built like a house, it wasn't a square room, it was like if a bird built a giant best out of sticks and such and put a roof of elephant ear sized leaves on top. Circular and sturdy. No other architecture like it

There was a window by the two hammocks, Terrance went to look out it

"Soooooo Terrance" Ava said with school girl talking about a crush tone

"Soooo Ava" Terrance replied slightly mocking her

"You asked about my feelings, is there someone you have feelings for?"

"Oh my god, Ava!" Terrance exclaimed, cheeks turning red, she stood with her back firmly to Ava to hide her blushing


"It's.. Complicated"

"How so?"

"Well.. I like someone who isn't human but I also like a human" she admitted

"Tell me about the human first"

"The prince.. Growing up we would sneak out of our houses and gaze at the stars, I'd always tell him about my crazy theories and he'd smile. We talked about our hopes and dreams, he knows me like no one else.."

"And whys that complicated?"

"Because he's the prince, his family stole my crown, and his family is the reason my brother died for starters, but also because when we reached a certain age he just ditched me with no warning. He stopped showing up to our star gazing spot and he wouldn't even look at me in public." She said, a little bit of sorrow and a little bit of regret laced into her words

"Then why do you like him?"

"I don't really know. I want to hate him as much as I dislike the king but the night my brother was killed I went on the patio under stars to get away from the ball I was attending and there he was. Sitting with his back to me. He confessed he loved me without knowing who he was talking to, then he saw it was me.. Just know after all these years that he felt like I did gave me hope, even though I was angry"

"So chase him!" Ava said

Terrance turned around to face Ava

"But he's the heir to the theiving family, I can't take the throne and be with him I don't think, besides, he might have been my first love but my heart belongs to another. One I know I can't be with"

"What is he?"

Terrance looked down to avoid eye contact

"An elf.."

"Wait.. There's only a few you might.. Oh my god, you like Avani don't you!" Ava exclaimed beaming a smile

"What's with me liking princes and what's with me not being able to be with the ones I love?" Terrance asked with a sad smile, looking up when she heard the tone in Ava's voice as supportive

Ava put her hand out with her index finger up to indicate a minute as she walked out the hut door, a few seconds later she came back with two small glass cups with a deep brown liquid filling them half way.

She handed one to Terrance

"Here's to impossible love" Ava said smiling

They clinked their glasses together and took a drink

The brown liquid had a distinctly bitter taste yet was sweet at the same time. It warmed her throat then her stomach, she could feel it as it smoothly washed down any nerves she had from that day. It took the edge of the day away

"That's.. Great!" Terrance said

"The marrow have their own alcoholic drinks, they make theirs from fruits high up that only flying animals can get. It's rare to have the chance to drink it. They call it their cider"

"Well it's lovely"

"Don't drink much," Ava giggled, "it'll go straight to your head.

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