Chapter 8

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She looked up from her book at who sat across the table from her

His long blond hair, a few small random braids, ears pointing through, gorgeous

prince Avani had shown her around a bit once she woke up then brought her to the library

"So, prince, there's a ton of prince elves as leading warriors, are you?" She asked

He looked up from his book

"Avani, you may call me Avani, but yes, it is expected of the princes to become the best warriors, which I have"

"So, if other magical creatures are dangerous.. Shouldn't I learn to fight?"

"Are you asking me to teach you?" He asked with a straight face, his expression hadn't changed the entire time they spoke


"I accept, I will teach you." He said then smiled a bit

He looked back down at his book

"There's so many books in here, have you read them all?" She asked


"What's a sun stone?"

"Basically, one can not choose to become a dragon rider, fate chooses them, the stone is the true test"

"How so?"

The elf looked up, realizing this conversation wasn't ending soon

"Generally speaking, if you're meant to be a dragon rider you will mysteriously given a stone or randomly find one, then somehow it leads you to your dragon, and once you're both sure and the strongest bond of friendship is formed, the sunstone will bond their hearts together."

"Wasn't there a school for it? Dragon rider's school"

"Yes, for the most for and elite, they could go there and learn, train, but it was no guarantee. A lot of riders were discovered that way but the mightiest riders were those you least expected"

"But what about the legend of the rue heir to the throne being a rider, there were lots of riders"

"Yes but every dragon has their own talent and the heir always has a dragon with the rarest talent. That talent changes, no dragon is the same, but it isn't fire breathing, Warriors, or any of the commons. I must ask, when your brother was killed, why did you run here?"

She froze

"How did you know he was.."

"We checked out who you were last night. "

"I.. I don't know, I just felt drawn here"

He nodded and reached into his pocket

"Terrance, human from emeres, because you have shown bravery by fleeing to the unknown and have a genuine heart, you're also drawn to here, I would like to present you with this.. The last sun stone we have. We believe you may be the prophesy filler"

He handed it to her, she took it hesitantly

The moment it touched her skin it began softly glowing orange. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever laid eyes on

"But.. Why me? Are you saying I'm.."

She looked up to see avani's eyes wide, looking at it

"We believed, yes, prophesy says the freer would come to us through a death, we were to hand them the stone, If it glows then they're the one with the destiny to free us"

She looked back down shocked

"So I'm a dragon rider"

"You're more than that"

She looked at him in question

"You're the next kingdom heir.. King hally, some 300 years ago stone the stone second before your 4th great grandfather was united as one with the dragon, he stole the heir right then kept your grandfather and family to come as servants in the castle to monitor them, killing all who found out. The thing is, he didn't care about the dragon, only the magic, so he ordered the purge.. Centuries before this, the humans and dragons were about to go to war when the first heir and rider became. They found the stone and through their bond they joined the dragons and humans instead of war."

"So he killed my brother because he found out about this.."

"Yes and there hasn't been another rider because humans are to afraid when they find out, you see, the dragons hate humans once again for betraying them."

"Why do I have a feeling I have a painful journey ahead"

Avani smiled warmly

"If it helps, you should pic up sword fighting, knife throwing, and archery quickly with your destiny"

Terrance smiled sarcastically


"Come, your destiny is to rebuild the bond between dragon and human, then release magic to be free and roam as it wishes once again, we must show the king"

She nodded, getting up and following Avani out of the library. She thought about putting the stone in her pocket for safe keeping but she liked how it made her feel when touching it. A warmth she'd never felt pulsed through her

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