Chapter 24

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She was steps away from her dragon when she head what sounded like someone clearing their throat behind her.

She turned around,

"Gino!?" She exclaimed excitedly, "I haven't seen you in so long!"

He smiled, "you the same."

"What are you doing here!? Wait, where are my manners? Gino, this is jedimie, Jed, this is Gino." She said motioning her hands

"Nice to meet yous." Gino said nodding to the dragon.

Jed nodded back in acknowledgement

"So I be here to teach you to fly." Gino said

"Oh! Um, cool." Terrance said

"Now listen, it take lots to hold on or you'll slide off and die, this why riding schools were a thing but you no have years to practice."

Terrance gave him a weird but thoughtful look before nodding

"So go ahead and climb up."

Terrance shrugged and turned to Jed

Jed bent his wing down

Step on it, I'll lift you onto me. He said

Terrance stepped into his wing, a small doubt in the back of her mind, hoping she wouldn't hurt him.

He lift his wing and leveled it to his back. Terrance stepped onto his back and sat down, straddling his neck.

She had expected it to be like riding a horse but it was no where close.

Hold on to my scales, you won't hurt me he coaxed

She did, steadied herself and braced herself.

"So, it's not hard to explain, you hold on tight and learn through practice. So get at it." Gino commanded, the smallest trace of a smile playing across his features.

Terrance smiled and braced herself

Ready? He asked

Terrance tightened her grip on his scales

Yes she answered

Butterflies consumed her stomach as he'd flapped his wings, wind blowing around like a storm, cold wind against her cheeks.

The adrenalin pumping, she felt that same joy she had when they bonded their hearts.

"This is amazing!!!!!!" She yelled through the wind as they soared higher and higher.

She didn't think she could smile any bigger but then he leveled out and was flying through clouds.

They looked so fluffy, she reached one hand out and drug it through the clouds.

"I bet I could scream as loud as I can and no One would hear!" She asked excitedly.

You're correct was his simple but gleeful reply

"Ok, here it comes, a toast," she cleared her throat, "TO FREEDOM!!!!" She screamed

To freedom! He yelled to her in thought

Why don't you yell? She asked

Because I'm a dragon, I would be heard.. And feared he said chuckling

They flew around another hour or so then landed 100 yards or so away from their elf friends.

Jed curled up, back surrounded by trees.

Terrance climbed over his limbs and curled up against his stomach, she felt so at peace there with the soothing beating of his heart.

One she was comfortable Jed curled up tighter, protecting her from the world.

Good night jeddie she said before yawning

Good night little heir he replied before allowing sleep to weigh his eyelids closed.

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