Chapter 37

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"It has not! There's time to win back their loyalty!" He screamed

She smiled bolder as the king's face changed from fury to agony

He fell to the floor, dropping the sword, landing on his knees

"But it's to late, you can't win back the loyalty." Davis said, standing above his kneeling father holding the hilt of the sword he had just stabbed him through the heart with

"Of all the traitors.. My own son?" The king asked, tears in his eyes

"Let our family's sins be killed and put to rest with you.." Davis said before pulling the sword back out

The king's hands went to his wound, applying pressure as he gagged on the blood oozing out of his mouth.

After a few agonizing, blood filled breaths, the king fell face first to the ground and his eyes glazed over.

Terrance and Davis stood silently for a moment, digesting how to king was dead, Terrance had won her mission.

After it sank in she smiled and looked at Davis.

He smiled in response.

"Thank you so much for your help." She said grinning. She stepped over to him and wrapped him in a bear hug of gratitude

"No problem." Davis replied, hugging her back

"I'm sorry you had to be the one to kill your own father though." She said sincerely, breaking the hug, looking to him with sympathy in her eyes

"It was fate, really." He said, reassuring her

She smiled and walked over to the window

"What are you doing?" He asked concerned

Jed, I'm jumping, let me do a flip then catch me? She asked Jed through a mind link

"Why, showing my kingdom the perks of dragons of course"

She smiled and jumped out the window.

She did a back flip then was caught by Jed.

Jed did a few flips and twists for the amusement of the town before landing.

Cheats erupted from the crowds as they landed

Hoops and hollers, a few breaking out and dancing in excitement for the new era

Maggie and her mother broke out of the crowd and rushed over. They ambushed Terrance in a hug.

"I'm so sorry I didn't believe or trust you darling!" Her mom said with grieving tears in her eyes

"It's ok mom, how could I not forgive you?" Terrance replied

As they broke their hug she saw an elf with beautiful blond hair out of the corner of her eye

She turned to see better

"Avani!?" She squealed running over to him, "I thought you weren't coming!?"

"I wouldn't miss my queen gaining her seat of power?" He said grinning

She cupped a cheek with each hand and pulled him into a kiss filled with passion and victory

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