Chapter 35

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She was at the end of a hall, there were guards in front of her 20 feet down the hall. She turned around, Samuel and Davis were headed from behind. She frantically looked around.. The window!

I'm 30 feet up on the second floor, can I make it? She asked herself

She shrugged, worth a shot

She climbed up onto the sill as prince and Samuel caught up to her

"You wouldn't" Samuel said with a smirk

"No?" She asked before turning and jumping

All the night flights along the way of her and Jed practicing tricks, one was her sliding off without him landing, she learned tuck and roll, she hoped it would work the same way here.

She reached the ground, pulled her knees to her chest and rolled a few yards before standing

She did it.

She did it!

She mentally patted herself on the back as she saw the prince running to her from the front of the castle

He went to find the front door.. What a coward she thought

He stopped 10 feet away

All the commotion woke the majority of the town, Knights swarmed behind the prince and towns people swarmed a circle around her with curiosity laced hearts

She held 8 moon stone necklaces in her left hand and one in her right

The king made his way through the circle of Knights and one step in front of his son, the prince.

She glared at him

"Seize her!" One of the lead Knights yelled

"I'll combine the stones." She said casually

The king threw up his hand, "wait!" He yelled to stop the Knights

She smiled and turned slightly to address the town folk

"Dear people of emeris, you are living under a family of liars! Hundreds of years ago, they Unrightful stole the sun stone's power, dragon, and crown from the rightful heir, they then cursed all magical creatures into the lands across the sea and forbade them to cover their sins! And they're still ruling!? NO LONGER!" She shouted

Whispers began running through the crowd

"That's none sense!" The king growled angrily

"Magic isn't real" one spike from the crowd

"Them why does he not want me to combine these stones? He stopped the guards from taking me at the mere threat!" She accused

All looked to the king in question

He was silent

Terrance looked back at the king then slowly placed the moonstones together.

Slowly they began fusing together, light shining through the cracks before they were turned to one stone, all the necklace chains fell to the ground.

All faces showed the awe of their hearts. All that is, except the king's, who was turning redder by the minute as it filled with rage.

The stone was one and lifted from her hands. It slowly floated up and fused it's self in the open part of her crown.

She could feel her connection with jedimie

"It won't be long now." She stated, "this war will be ended today, the elves and my dragon shall help me fight and win."

"She's mad!" The king exclaimed, trying desperately to cling to the loyalty of the kingdom, "bring me sword, she's obviously not stable, not to mention she stole from me!" He turned to her, "Terrance, I punish you to death"

Two Knights rushed over, each grabbed one arm and forced her to he knees, another handed the king a sword.

The king stood in front of her.

"NO!" The prince called

"Guards! Take him and lock him in his chambers" the king said

He was forced out of view

The king bent over to whisper something to Terrance

"You can't take my kingdom and rule it if you're dead." He whispered with an evil grin as he stood back up

Jed please hurry she thought in a mind link, hoping he was in range to hear it

She swallowed in attempts to hide her fear and. Cover it with confidence

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