Chapter 6

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"So uh," she spoke while running after him, dodging branches, "do you have a name?"

"Gino, but stay quiet, they'll hear you!"

She followed him through twisting trees, over grown roots, vines, and rocks, she weaved after him for what felt like 20 minutes

The farther into nature they went the darker it got. She felt eyes on her but couldn't see them, on and on, the more uninviting it was

"Almost there, don't feel the darkness." He whispered over his shoulder

A few more meters then he moved one last branch

As she steeped through she was in awe. It went from feeling like the darkness was closing in to the most joy filled open aired space ever. There were hundreds of buildings, all connected to a castle, it was night but they had an interesting type of street lights. Even with lights illuminating the town the stars were even more noticeable. Each of the building was carved with incredibly intricate designs

"W-where are we?" She asked Gino, trying not to let her jaw drop

"Elvish territory" he said beaming

"Are you an elf?" She asked

"No. I'm human."

"How old.. Are you?"

"Me? Let's me count.." He started counting on his fingers,"I've lost count after the 234th year"

"What!? How are you alive?" She asked stunned

"I was the last dragon rider I was, but before de perge the king hired an evil sourced and had him curse me! He say not even he wanted to dos the spell the king wanted so he needs a loophole? And me have to be alive for it work, so until curse is brokens, me have to live.. But my dragon died years ago, in battle, I thinks he just wanted to curse me with the forever pain.." He said, moisture from in his eyes

"You were a dragon rider!?" She asked excited

"Yes mam"

"Wait, what curse?"

"The sourcer said a young girls would come here to break it, that all I knows, that why I brought you to the elves! And because most who come die.. The dragons and marrows both hold grudges on humans and kill alls they can.."

"Well thank you! Can you show me to the elves? So I can ask and learn more?"

Gino's excitement wore off at the thought of talking to elves

"I.. I no talk to elves, they don't like me, not sense I accidently crashed into a sacred building on my dragon and destroysed it.. Before the purge"he said nervously

"Well can you point me the right direction?" She asked chuckling a big

"You don't have to find them, they know all that goes on in their territory, they all ready know we heres I bet"

"He's right." A strong woman's voice said behind Terrance scaring her out of her giggles

She jumped a bit of shock then turned around to see a she elf aiming a bow and arrow at her

"I'm Terrance" she said holding her hands in the air

"Gino you know you shouldn't be here, why save this she human." She asked in more of a statement tone

"She reminds mes of the legend!" He said bowing slightly to her, "Gehnsa. She no threat, just arrived tonight"

Gehnsa lowered her bow and quivered her arrow

Being less frightened Terrance noticed how beautiful this elf was. Tall, taller than the average female human anyways, super thin but not boney, fit, the top half of her hair braided back and the rest cascading down her back in loose waves. Shinny dark chocolate waves. A perfect completion, and pointed ears

"Fine." Gehnsa said, "I'll take her to speak with lord farhn. King of the elves, but only because I trust you." She said softly towards him while glaring at Terrance

"Thank you Gehnsa. I'll be leavings now." Gino said before bouncing off back the way he'd brought Terrance

"Name." Gehnsa asked looking down at Terrance


"Well terrance this way. Touch anything before speaking to the king and I'll have your head."

Terrance swallowed a lump of nerves before nodding

Gehnsa turned and began walking towards the castle with each stride showing her confidence and control with Terrance awkwardly following behind like a lost puppy

Picture to help visualize Gehnsa

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