Chapter 19

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"So what was his name?" Terrance asked with a devious smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Ava said blushing, avoiding eye contact

"Oh I'm sure" Terrance giggled mockingly

"We spent 10 days with the marrow and out forbidden loves didn't come up, why now that we're headed to the dwarves does it?" Ava said crossing her arms, keeping her eyes focused on the road straight ahead

"I don't know" Terrance shrugged "it just seems like road trip bonding talk"

It was quiet for a few seconds, an awkward silence

"Marcus" Ava spoke


"My love is Marcus"

"I have an odd question, if you're immortal, and he's human, how will that work?" Terrance asked

"I've asked myself that at least a hundred times, either I could ask a witch to make a blade to cut away my immortality to live a fulfilling life or ask for her to make him immortal. Either would take dark magic. Live and love forever or love and die fulfilled"

"Why not search for one of the mystical islands of youth? Like Avalon or never land" Terrance suggested

"Avalon is.. Only the purest of heart are allowed in, and that's if I could find it and never land? Really?" She said sarcastically, "that's a child's tale"

"But in some books it's said it's an extension of Avalon"

"Then we're back to square one" Ava said with a straight face

"Avalon is guarded by the she faeries, and they're only known by the fairies, why don't we ask them when we ask about the moon stone?"

"You'd do that?" Ava asked looking at Terrance, her eyes almost over flowing with hope

"Of course I would" terrance's voice said full of reassurance, you mentioned trolls, they don't have a leader or king right?"

"Yeah, they travel in small groups, nomadic, torturing their prey for fun before eating it."

"Then how am I supposed to get s moon stone necklace from them if they have no leader?" She asked curiously

"Well brother, I thought my ears were burning" a scruffy voice said from behind a tree as a 12 foot, gray, boil covered troll walked into sight. He had just a few scraggly hairs on his head and a patchy beard, his nose the side of a human head

"It appears we were being talked about" a voice uneven in pitch replied while walking out from behind on the other side of them

Ava pulled out two daggers while Terrance unsheathed her sword

"How do you kill a troll?" Terrance asked Ava softly, trying not to be heard

"That's the problem, only fire can kill us" the first troll said

"You used to be able to kill us by stabbing through our eye but we've evolved since then" the second troll finished, a disturbing grin grew on his lips.

"So unless you're a dragon, witch, or crafty genius you're ours for fun" the first troll said

Ava and Terrance slowly backed up to each other and stood back to back, watching the trolls while they circles them

The circle the trolls walked to tease them drew smaller and smaller

When the trolls were close enough to be smelled Terrance too ok her last step back. They smelled like rotting flesh

Terrance lunged and stabbed one troll through the stomach,

The stabbed troll stopped walking and just smiled down an evil grin at Terrance

The heir attempted to pull the sword out but it was stuck in his gut

Terrance took a step back, standing back to back with Ava

She about gave up hope for a torture free death when a ring of fire Descended from nowhere, it circled around the heir and elf but covered the trolls in a  fiery haze.

The troll screamed in agony, the sound and calibration hurt like your ears bleeding

The fire stopped and the dead charred trolls fell to the ground

The two stood there a minute frozen, wondering what had just happened

"You should keep that sword, it's special now, it'll become one of legends" a familiar low voice said to terrances left

Terrance grinned ear to ear then looked over to confirm her thoughts

There stood the midnight beauty of a dragon, battle stance, legs spaced and wings straight back. When she smiled at him his posture relaxed

"You saved us!" Ava cried

"Ava this is jedimie" Terrance introduced

"It's a pleasure" he'd said, his lips curling up, "but like I was saying, that sword has now been forged in a dragon's breath, weird it and love it but don't let it fall into the wrong hands."

"When you saved us it forged it? So I can kill.. Anything with it?" Terrance asked

Jed nodded, "even haunting spirits"

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