Chapter 23

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She got up silently and checked over her shoulder after walking a few feet to see if the elves moved, she doubted they were asleep already. Once sure they didn't move at all she tiptoed away until covered and hidden by trees.

"Where are you?" She whispered

"Keep going straight, you'll see me." He replied

She walked a couple hundred meters through the Forrest until she found him.

"Where have you been? I missed you!" She exclaimed

"I'm sorry! I wanted to figure myself out completely before coming to you again." He said


"Because I feel it. A bond of trust and reliability to you. I'm not sure why completely but I feel safe with you, and can be myself."

"Are you saying..?"

"Yes. I want to bond with you."

A smile rose to her face. "Okay." She took the stone out of her pocket and held it up. "Wait, it's night.." She frowned.

"I think we should talk about my talent and all that jazz first," he said grinning

"Oh, right." She said sitting down. She cris crossed her legs and filled her hands, then straightened her back. "I'm listening."

He laughed a few seconds before nodding.

"It's said that every heir's dragon has a talent none have ever had or ever will had but mine is magic," he started

"Even though my greaaaaaaaaaaat grand father's was?"

"Yes, maybe that's a prophesy in itself."

She furrowed her brows and nodded, "cool thought, continue"

"Well, I've learned a few spells of you will, and I've linked myself to one of each kind of power. Meaning I can do any dragon's talent. The exception is if the dragon of who's power I linked dies, I lose their power."

"Oh, okay, because the source dies."

"Right. Now, I want to bond, but are you sure you do?" He asked with concern in his eyes.

"More sure than anything." She lifted the stone up again

"But it's a sin stone, doesn't the sun have to be out?"

"There's only one way to find out."

He shrugged and went to touch the stone with her.

As his claw touched the stone they were flooded with sun light. The sun didn't come up, and only they were surrounded by light.

As the light pushed away all darkness around them joy flooded in, it was like the relieve and happiness a new mother gets when she holds her child for the first time, but more intense, like the joy of 100 mothers. It was unspeakable.

"Do you feel that?" She asked while laughing uncontrollably

He tried to speak and reply but he couldn't. The emotions over whelmed him. The dragon nodded through tears of delight.

After minutes that provided enough joy for 100 life times the light started fading, and as the light faded, so did the stone. When the night was back to normal the stone was gone.

"Well that was liberating." Jed said smiling to his new found best friend

"No kidding."

"Want to.. Uhm.. Seal it with a flight? For good measure."

She nodded and stood up to head over to her dragon.

Her dragon.

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