Chapter 12

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Ava and Terrance had walked another hour that afternoon before stopping to make camp for the night

Terrance's eyes shot open, the sun was just beginning to peak it's eyes over the landscape, a peach shadow illuminating the land dimly, Ava laid next to her a few feet away still sleeping

She felt like someone was watching her, chills running down her spine

"Hello..?" She whispered almost inaudible into the open


"Ava" she whispered

Nothing. The elf didn't move

She started to roll onto her back with the intentions of stretching before getting up but a voice stopped her

"Don't move" the voice said slightly raspily Luke it hadn't been awake long

"Who's there?" She asked quietly

"It is I human"

"Who?" She asked but knew the answer, she'd recognize that low growl of his smooth and coaxing voice anywhere

"Look, my kind hate humans and I'm not a fan but I feel drawn to you, I'm watching, expose the stone so I can see and I'll tell you my name"

She reached into her pocket and pulled her sunstone slowly out

"Beautiful.. Unbelievable.."

"I'm Terrance" she whispered politely

"I am known as jedimie"

"I once heard that dragons have their own tongue?"

"That's true"

"So what's your name mean?"

Ava started to move

"I am speaking to you through a mind link, only we can hear each other if we use it, simply.. Think to me"

She was to happy to try

"So your name means?" She thought to him

"The elfling is awakening. Another time Terrance."   He said using her name

she loved hearing him use her name

Terrance rolled over and pretended to be asleep right as Ava sat up

"Terrance, wake up, it's time to start" Ava said leaning over and gently shaking terrance's shoulder

Terrance sat up slowly, "ok if we must.." She said in a yawn

They rolled up their mats and began walking

"Wait, if we can talk in thought then why did you have to go?" Terrance asked jedimie through the thought link

She waited for a few seconds


He must have left, she shrugged her shoulders and caught up with Ava

"We have around 80 miles to walk. We should be there in a few days" Ava stated

"Ughhhhhhh.. So. Far.." Terraced sighed dramatically

Ava just ignored her complaints and continued walking

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