Chapter 28

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As they walked into the clearing, every dragon's head turned.

It was completely silent for a moment.

Then every dragon narrowed their eyes and began hissing at her

"Jedimie! Why have you brought that kind here!!!" A huge, blood red colored dragon asked with a booming voice

"We have bonded. This is the heir of the prophesy." He replied, head high, no sign of emotion

"I shall not kneel to a human!" A green one said

"Nor shall I!" Said a blue one before curling his lips up and charging at her.

She put her arms up to flinch, preparing to be run over before Jed stepped in front of her, blocking the dragon barreling in her direction.

The blue dragon stopped seconds before crashing into Jed.

"Step out of my way." He snarled

Terrance got an idea.

Jeddy, I have an idea to win them over, trust me she thought to him

This isn't the time to test the boundaries of your abilities he said concerned

It'll be fine, I have to earn their respect

Okay.. He thought reluctantly "she wishes to earn your respect" Jed called

Terrance stood up straight and held her head high with as much fake confidence as she could muster

"Very well" a few dragons said snickering

Jed stepped out of the way.

The blue dragon charged.

Terrance stuck her hand out, a blue/transparent force field standing a few feet In front of her just as the dragon reached there.

She hit the wall and stumbled backwards surprised.

"I ask you, could I do that if I was not bonded with jedimie?" She called

Dead silence.

"And could we be bonded if I was not the heir?"

Other than a few shaking their heads it was silent

"I am not like the humans who trapped you here, I will be a fair and just ruler. I have not come here to continue your emprisonment, but rather to free you! Show me respect and I shall treat you with it in return. What do you say?"

Slowly but surely, one by one, they all nodded

"Therefore, I shall rule the humans and Jed shall rule over you. Is that understood?"

None moved, a few narrowed their eyes

Dragons don't generally have rulers.. Jed said

She put her arm out to him, signaling not to interrupt

"AM I CLEAR?" She asked in a way that demanded respect

They all kneeled before them.

Terrance smiled. She couldn't believe she was respected by dragons

"Now, where's the dragon's moon stone?" She asked

"It is hidden in a chest." A brown dragon said, "my brother's"

"A chest?"

He nodded.

A purple dragon stepped forward, "in mine." He said

She furrowed her brows but walked over to him

"Every dragon has a talent, mine is my chest, call it a treasure chest. It's where dragon's most import possessions are kept. No one would think to look in an actual.. Chest." He said smiling

"So how, um, how do I get it?" She asked

"Reach your hand into my chest and what you're looking for will find your hand hand"

She shrugged then hesitantly put her hand up to his chest, then inside. Oddly enough it just felt like air, then she touched a stone. She pulled it out

The moon stone.

She put it on.

"Interesting." She mumbled to herself.

She stepped back, "thank you." She said, smiling graciously at him.

"We have to go and finish the journey to collect the last 3 stones, when I return it'll be to proclaim your freedom!" She said in a patriotic tone.

They all nodded respectfully.

Terrance turned and headed back to where the elves were, Jed on her heals.

"That was incredible!" Ava exclaimed, meeting her with a hug.

"Thanks." Terrance said hugging her back, "let's camp for the night and head for the fairies in the morning."

"Ok." Avani agreed, the others nodded

What an interesting day

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