Chapter 2: The Welcome Trail

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Ruby and Emerald glared at each other. Topaz tried to get around the two now yelling at each other, and the jumble of people in the meeting so she could meet this hero of Emerald. She manged to get to the other side of Emerald. "Hello, I'm Topaz," She said

"Well hi, Topaz," Sapphire said, "I'm Sapphire, who that red hair girl yelling at Emerald?"

"That's Ruby. She trip and burn the tree that you and I saved"

"You helped the tree Emerald was taking care of?"

"Yeah I showed up after you ran away"

"Yeah I didn't like the attention I received and ran away."

"Oh why?"

"Well I don't want to be treated special, just because I am younger than everyone else."

"You graduated early?" Topaz asked

"Yeah 2 years early," Sapphire said.

There on the stage of the meeting hall, there was is this tall man with gray hair and blue eyes. "Welcome all first year students, to the College of the magic. I'm Headmaster Zinc. We brought you all here to explain how you will assign your teams, and where everything." There was much chatter in the crowd.

"Teams?!" Sapphire quietly worried.

Headmaster Zinc spoke again, "I know you might be worried but we have everything under control. You're going to go a trail with a panther. We will be giving more details before you at sunrise tomorrow. Tonight get some rest and find your parents. Also since you don't have your dorms you all will sleeping in here we all have you need. See you all sunrise tomorrow.

As they were walking out the meeting hall Ruby went to Topaz and asked, "Will you be my panther?"

"Sure thing," Topaz said.

That night in the meeting hall. Sapphire walked around trying to find Emerald again. "Emerald!" she quietly yells.

Emerald got up from her sleeping bag, "What is it?" She quietly asked.

Sapphire sat down next to her, "Do you have a panther for tomorrow?"

"No, Why do you ask?"

"Well, I don't have one yet, so I was wondering if you like to be mine partner?"

"Sure, but now go to sleep we need our rest for tomorrow?"

"Yup we don't wanna be tried for tomorrow" Sapphire put her sleeping bag next to Emerald so she can sleep next to her panther.

The next morning at sunrise all the first year students gather together to make a crowd. Headmaster Zinc came on the stage and spoke "Good morning everyone, welcome to your trail. In a moment a section of you will be going to the wood outside the campus and begin your trail, don't if your in danger some four year students will come and save you, we don't want you to died on your second day."

There was much chatter in the crowd. Then Headmaster Zinc quieted everyone before he continued, "Alright you trail will be running through the wood trying to find a hidden treasure, but be warned that there is traps and monster to try to damage you."

"Sapphire, you worried." Emerald put her hand on Sapphire's shoulder.

"No way panther!" Sapphire said.

"That's the spirit" Emerald almost shout.

"Alright, we will take this quarter of the room out first." Headmaster Zinc pointed to the back right corner where Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Topaz were standing in.

"Ready." Sapphire and Topaz asked their panthers.

"Sure thing!" Emerald and Ruby said to their panther.

Right outside of the wood, Headmaster Zinc was standing there with a flare gun. "When I shoot this flare gun you will dash into the woods and find one hidden things." He holds it above his head and shoots. They 16 people dash in woods.

"Topaz!" Ruby yell, "I think I found one the hidden things help me get it out of tree."

"What do I need to do." Topaz asked.

"Use your light magic so I can see where it is."

"Can do." Topaz shined a light into a hole in tree to help Ruby to find the thing. Ruby quickly found it with the help of light from Topaz's magic. They found a silvery thing that shaped like a heart.

A little further in the wood, Sapphire uses her water magic to damage a moster, while Emerald use her magic and ties it up in vines. The girl combine their magic to finish the monster off. They push the monster out of the way and find an item. It was gold in the shape of a heart. "Yeah, we found one!" Sapphire shouted and high five Emerald.

"Well we should get this back to Headmaster Zinc," Emerald said

Back with Ruby and Topaz, "That seems to easy," Ruby said. Just then they huge monster pops out in front in front of them. They both scream and run away the way to the campus. After a short while Ruby and Topaz bump into Sapphire and Emerald.

"What happen to you two?" Sapphire asked.

"They a giant monster chasing us," Ruby said in between breathes.

"Monsters, we can help with that, we already found a thing," Emerald bragged.

The monster charge at the four girls and they all had their magic ready to attack the monster, they all punch the giant monster thereby killing it. "So do you guys need help finding an item?" Sapphire asked.

"Thanks for the offer but we too found an item," Ruby said.

"Well let get outta here before any more monsters come." Topaz said.

"Your right" Emerald said.

That evening all the first year student were in the meeting hall again. "Alright now time to announce the team for your class," Headmaster Zinc spoke to the huge crowd of tried students. "For finding the silver and gold Hearts, our first team account is Sapphire Crystal, Emerald Flower, Ruby Raspberry, and Topaz Lightning also known as Team Gems, leaded by Sapphire Crystal." They all walk on the stage to receive there dorm number and stuff.

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