Chapter 13: I would like to info you that...

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"Chromium," Mercury said, looking back at the destroy town out in the middle of nowhere, "Like I am the greatest villain this world will ever see!"

"Of course I know that dude" Chromium muttered. 

"Bro what the heck? What got into you?"

"Oh nothing. It just ... oh never mind"

"ok, so did you find anything about Ruby's male friends"

"Not really i found that their team name is Star and their leader name is Hamal."

"Hamal.... That name seem so familiar. but i care remember from where"

Hamal and Mercury go way back even father then chromium and Mercury do. That is hard to believe because those two known each other for a very long time. Something about their type of magic. With Hamal studying his type of magic he quickly release to help this dark world of his, he need stay away from Mercury so that the world could be saved. "Mercury," Chromium said. "I think I have an idea..."

Headmaster Zinc came into the gems dorm after all the trail have finished. the new students were worst than he expected and they only been around for like two days. The Gems wanted to know what would happen to everyone for what they did during the trails. "Look, girls I would like to thank you once again for letting about the tools and weapons." Headmaster Zinc came ton say. "But honestly I don't what to do but this."

"Well what happened last time something happened?" Ruby asked.

"Nothing, because nothing like this happened before" Headmaster reminded them.

"Right," Emerald said. "So you came to some to see if we know what to do with the new class."

"I think I have an idea" Sapphire said very quietly. 

"I hoping that you guys saw something else that will help the punishment." He said.

"I think I have an idea." Sapphire said louder.

"Well i did see many people stay in larger group" Topaz said

"Yeah, and when one of the larger group split up" Ruby said.

"I THINK I HAVE AN IDEA" Sapphire yelled.

"Said it Sapphire" Headmaster Zinc told.

"Some people made sure that they got a similar treasure as another group, so they know about how the team are made so to them mad and very mad no teams for this class and randomly select the dorm mates. The friends shall be separated so they cant do much to harm us." Sapphire explained.

"Good idea." the rest of team gems said. Headmaster Zinc left with out saying a word. 

Later in the afternoon, Headmaster Zinc spoke over the loud speakers "It has come to my attention that many of you first year students cheated and use weapons during the trail." After hearing this the third and fourth year students were shoxking. Something like this never happened before Headmaster Zinc continue "All first year students please come to the meeting place at once." This struck shock into all the students including the gems who were the only one to know what is going to happen.

A few minutes later in the meeting place, the Gems and few other third and fourth year students stuck in at the back on the room so they see the reaction of the first year students to the punishment. The Gems told the other few students what happen before Headmaster Zinc began to speak so that they would know what is going on with this class. HeadmasterZinc walked onto the stage and took a deep breath and then began to speak, "As result of this cheating that you guys pulled off, I must take action to make sure that you guys wouldn't pull something like this again," there was much worried chatter in the crowd. "All other year this would be the part where I assign team and the dorm room and the like, but thing that some secret witness have told me thing and I have decided that you shall in in team and we will randomly select your dorm mates. For you guys, it is every student on they're only." Everyone went crazy, most of these people were wanted to be with their friends and the such.
"Wow, that was harsh" one of the third year student said.
"Well something needed to be done" Topaz said. Then the random selectionprocess began

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