Chapter 9: New Starts

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"Status Report, Gems" Sapphire speak into her walkie-talkie.

Emerald puts her hand onto Sapphire's shoulder, "We are still here with you Saphhire. You don't need to use your walkie-talkie yet."

"Yeah I guess, but I gotten used to just talking to you guys over video chat, It been about 3 months since we saw each other in person." Sapphire taking her walkie-talkie away from her mouth.

"I know, It weird seeing you three in person" Ruby said, " Anyways What are we doing in the forest?"

"Headmaster Zinc put us in charge of hiding the thing for the trail for the first year students." Topaz explained once again.

"Ok We need to split  up so we can cover more ground, We don't want to be as easy as when we had go thought this.' Sapphire said.

"Agreed" The other three said. This a beginning of a new year for our Gems. This more there second year at this Collage. What crazy adventure will they go though this year. As of this point no one knows.

Meanwhile as with our Villian, Mercury, he got plans this year while the Gem deal with the school stuff. "Hey if Mercury, do you think you doing this at a too much pace" His Right hand man said.

"Nonsense dude," Mercury tells him, "We got enough people to ruin the Ruby's and her friends year with out being there." He gave a loud evil laugh.

"Then we can stop right?" the right hand man said.

"Absolutely not, Chromium" Mercury said "We have much work to do."

"Ugh fine" Chromium sighed.

There one last group of people that need to shown that they are doing or rest the of this part wont make any sense, and it would be little weird we didn't mention him in this part because these guys are very important later. They're the one whom Throw that party their first year, it is Team Star. Anyways, A few days later, "All Second Year students, please come to the meeting Hall beside Team Gems. You all get your assignment this year. The Gems don't need to show up because they already have their assignment." Headmaster Zinc speaks over the load speaker.

"Dude, What the hell is the gems assignment" Izar said "I thought all teams go to the meeting hall for their year long assigement."

"Maybe their getting something special already from Headmaster Zinc," Merak told his friends

"Oh yeah" Izar complained "What kind of specialty do the Gems get. We are special too"

"They might of got something to stay on campus because one that one dud who crashed our party last year" Acrab said, which is full truth even if his bubbies don't think so.

"Pssst" Hamal said "Acrab that the stupidest I heard come from your month. Anyways we should get our assignment before all the good ones are taken."

"Hamal, what if we don't go and take an assignment what will happen then." Izar questioned the leader of his team.

"I don't want to find out because they probably stuck us with what assignment is left and it will be pretty shitty." Hamal told his team.

"Ugh fine" Izar said getting up from his bed and the four of them went to the meet hall. After all the students arrived that the meeting hall. All the screen lead out 49 different assignment, one of each team beside the Gems. All the teams leader took out the message thingy they got the first day of this year.

"Please discuss with you team which assignment you will take and punch that number into the thing and then stand by for further instructions." Headmaster Zinc spoke from the stage

"Yes sir" the assembly said.

"ok" Hamal said "Stars, what assignment would you guys like?"

"Oh let take 23, that one seem fun," Merak said. The one that he suggested was they were be sent out to look upon and fight along team of magic ones who are keeping a ghost town in line and not to be destroy.

"Dude," Acrab said, "Are you asking to be killed?"

"Well," Merak said, "DO you have a better idea or an assignment."

"Merak, I would like 23 as well," Izar said

"Unless you have better idea Acarb we will, it sound fun and one hell of a story if we come back live."

"Ummmmm what about 49," Acrab said. Hamal put 49 into the thing.

"That taken already" Hamal said

"Damnmit fine we will do 23"Acrab said. Hamal put that number into the thing.

"Now That final few number are been picked, here what you need to know," Headmaster Zinc told the group of the second year students. "We wont have the four year students looking after you like last year for your trails. You all will leave for the assignment 3 days from now. Good Luck and we all wish you the best of luck."

"This is going to be soo cool." Merak said.

After the meeting hall Merak went out to find one of the gems, he come cross Sapphire "Hey Sapphire!" He said as she cross by him.

She stop and look at him and gave him a smile, "Hey Merak, So what assignment did you guys take?"

He told her, "We going help some magic ones in a ghost town."

"Sounds fun!" she told him

"So anyways, What are you guys doing this year?"

"Oh us" Sapphire was surprised he asked her that. "We are staying on campus to make sure the new first year students don't cause any trouble because Headmaster has a bad feeling about them." She removed the smile from her face

"Oh sorry about that."

"Yeah. Plus Headmaster Zinc thinks it best that he keeps us on campus in his close eye because of Mercury."

"Who is Mercury"

"Oh that guy who crashed your party last year."

"Really? Well if I ever see that guys again, I will destroy him."

"Ok, you do that Merak. Anyways see you later."

"Yeah talk to you tomorrow Sapphire." They both back to their dorms.


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