Chapter 3: Team Bonding

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The four girls were unpacking when Ruby trips over one of her bags. "What no fire this time Ruby?" Emerald laughed at her.

"Sorry I wasn't able to control my magic!" Ruby yelled at Emerald. The two continue to yell at each other.

After 5 minutes of Ruby and Emerald yelled at each other. "ENOUGH!" Sapphire finally yell over their yelling. They both stop yelling at each other. "We are a team, we can't be fighting like this. If this continues we are definitely not a ream and I have no know idea what we would be then. So you two are going to get along if It kills me."

"How are you going to do that Sapphire?" Ruby asked. Sapphire moves herself in fount of the door.

"No one is leaving until you get along!" Sapphire shoutes.

"Well can I leave, I can get with everyone in here plus there a party tonight I need to get ready for," Topaz said.

"No I need your help Topaz," Sapphire said.

"Ugh fine," Topaz sighed. "We will be here a while."

."So be it then!" Sapphire shouted. "Topaz set up two chairs and Emerald and Ruby sit in them." The three did as Sapphire instructed. "Alright this is how it going to go. I am going say a word and both of you will as the first word that hops in your mind. If you say something Similar you move closer to each other and if there opposite move away. Ready?"

"I guess," Ruby and Emerald said at the same time.

"Alright first word is.... fruit." Sapphire said

"Apple," Ruby said.

"Pear," Emerald said.

"Back the chairs up," Sapphire raised her voice. "Topaz Say a word

"ummmm party!" Topaz said

"Cups," Emerald said.

"Drinks" Ruby said.

"Move closer."

"Sapphire this is stupid." Ruby said.

"I agree," Emerald said.

"Perfect!" Sapphire said, "You two agreed on something."

Ruby use her fire magic to throw a fireball at Sapphire. Emerald use her earth magic to tie Sapphire in vines. Sapphire became mad in laughter. She put the fire in the room and threw a water ball at both of Ruby and Emerald Topaz jion the fun and use her light magic on Emerald. The four had found with their magic in the duel of Team Gems. Until Sapphire threw a water ball at the door, but Headmaster Zinc open the door and got hit by the water ball. "What is going on in here?" Headmaster Zinc asked the girls. The girl quick scramble themselves to form line

"Just a little team bonding." Sapphire said.

"it looked like a little team destruction." Headmaster Zinc pointed out to the mess in their dorm.

"Ruby and Emerald were fighting and Sapphire had this idea to have to a little team bonding and it ended up as thing." Topaz explained.

"I could throw your out of college, but there something special I see in you four. So I won't tell anyone if you promise and to do like this again."

"Alright," All four of them said.

Then Headmaster Zinc left their dorm. "Arightly. Team Gems we gotta clean up this mess before any other staff members see it." Sapphire told her team

"Wait what did Headmaster Zinc mean be 'Something special'?" Topaz asked.

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