Chapter 22: It's time

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"What was that all about?" Topaz asked soon after Merak left.

Sapphire grew a small smile on her face, "At the beginning of the year, he promised me that no matter what he will always be by my side, but I dont if i can trust him right now."

"I don't know Sapp, he sounded pretty serious about keeping that." Emerald said.

"but he hurt me" Sapphire said.

The next day around noon Hamal suggest, " Hey, we should try this new place in town to eat!"

"Sound great Hamal" Merak gave him a death glare "But why should we trust you?'

"because Food is needed for your lifes" Hamal said

"I want food!" Izar groaned.

"And trying something new would be nice for a chance I getting a little sick of that little cafe." Acrab said.

"Alright fine we can go eat at the new place," Merak said. 

The Stars leave to eat at the new place. Merak still wondering what is Hamal up to. But he was hungry so he was willing to eat some food. he knew he couldn't get close to Gems because they don't know the truth of Hamal's dark side. 

"Was I too harsh on him not even letting him here anymore?" Sapphire was questioning her actions.

"No he need to learn from stupid action" Ruby said.

"Plus you dont need a guy to be happy. Unless you're Ruby then a guy will make you mad all the time" Emerald giggled.

"Hey, I heard that" Ruby got a little mad at Emerald.

"Speaking of which what ever happen to Mercury?" Topaz asked.

"Maybe he dead sometimes" Emerald tried to lighten the mood. There noticeable awkwardness in the room. The elephant in the room was mention. Everyone knew that He was still a threat but no one wanted to speak about him.

"No, Topaz you're right" Sapphire got worried, "Where is he? he seem too powerful to be kill."

"Plus he never went down without a fight." Ruby added.

Mercury at noon came down onto the campus trying to find the Gems.  When he found him at a pinic tables enjoying some the food from the cafe on the campus. He came up to them peacefully and simply said, "Hello, Girls it very nice to see you again. But unfortunately this will be the final we see face to face..."  

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