Chapter Two

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Simon Wright almost wished he hadn't taken the early morning shift at his job; a small hotel a bit in the lesser part of town.

But money is money and he needs something to do.

The almost part was because of Deidre. Ever since they were about eleven she had started becoming almost obsessive with the Marks. She would say how she didn't really think they controlled her Fate and she refused to accept they actually meant something. Though Simon knew a small part of her tugged the rest down to the truth.

Recently she had actually started doubting the Society. Her bedroom walls were decorated with pictures of all the Blackwoods and Society members she could get ahold of, and with that pages of information from newspapers and the Internet. It was like she was trying to piece together something...and even Simon admitted there was something missing, something not quite right.

But nothing had made him really realize the possibility of Deidre's theory (if you will) until work that morning.

When he walked into Deidre's house he knew she hadn't believe him until he told her she was right.

This morning he had taken the midnight shift, and he was about half an hour in when a man came in. He was maybe five or four years older than Simon but he was so exhausted he looked about ten years older.

"Six rooms please." The man said as a ton of similar dressed men came in with a red haired girl who couldn't be older than twenty at most.

Simon nodded and input the information as the men had an argument of some sort, but he looked up as a sweet-sour voice interrupted them.

"Era? Jonas? Blackwoods? Here? Oh my, this is a surprise." And then there the girl with dark hair holding a gun.

Simon didn't remember much but he did remember when later he ran into two of the men in suits. They were running down the hallway with their guns, and Simon hadn't left the hotel yet; as stupid as that sounded.

The two men were opening the door and Simon crept behind them, glancing in and seeing a crowd of people - and a girl who's wrist was showing a Mark.


She should be dead

Simon had gasped and the man closest to him and hissed at him to leave. So Simon left.

But the Date had shaken him up. No way could anyone be...Expired. That's what Deidre called it, but he had heard few others saying the same word.

"Unbelievable." Deidre mumbled as Simon recounted the events to her.

"So maybe the Society does lie."

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