Chapter Twenty-Four

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They took a good ten minutes discussing things, with the occasional glance to make sure the two hadn't fled away. 

After a while they finally came back out to 'Order ' the two around.

"We've decided not to go to the Preeminence about your...mishaps." Percy said disgustedly but Eli still looked uneasy and wouldn't look anyone in the eye.

"Great! We'll be on our merry way-" Simon took Deidre arm in his.

"No, not so fast," Bently smiled an amused smile, the kind of smile that you get right before you get a sibling in trouble. "You don't know your punishment yet."

"Eli?" Percy prompted, the same smile on his face. Gosh they were so annoying. Why were the worst ones always running the government?


"Eli?" Percy repeated, his smile faltering just a bit. "What was that?"

But Simon heard him clear enough. 

"You can't leave." Eli sighed, still looking down at his shoes.

Simon knew Deidre's reaction before he said it. She would either slap all three of the men, or reasonably talk it out. Heck Deidre would take the slap even if they wouldn't allow her any ice cream for a day. She was that kid.

"This is outrageous!" Deidre screeched and her fists balled up. "I have a dying mother out there--"

"Technically she can't die for another few years." Eli pointed out.

"DYING out there mentally and emotionally, and goodness knows maybe even physically!" She practically had steam coming out of her ears. "And you halfwitted, idiotic, stupid, insolent little creatures not even a mother could love won't let me leave? How dare you?!" Deidre spat and slapped Bently first but Percy caught her wrist before she could hit him. He twisted it behind her back as she cried out.

"Hey!" Simon yelled and kicked Percy's shin in a panic. 

"Ow!" Percy pushed Deidre away in surprise and looked back up at Simon. His face was abnormally red. Redder than a still developing tomato. "I will not tolerate you two peasants disrespecting us anymore-"

"What are you going to do?" Deidre replied softly and Simon realized she was wiping a tear off her cheek. He had a feeling it wasn't related to her now-sore arm. "You can't banish us or torture us without the Preeminence. What are you going to do?"

"Excuse me?" Percy said.

"You heard her, Percy," Bently was studying Deidre, a red hand print marking his cheek. "We can't do anything about it without involving the Preeminence."

"And if we involve the Preeminence we'll possibly be beheaded for treason," Eli said. "I'm quite sure these two would love to tell him all about how we went against the law, went against the country's leader himself."

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