Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Where are all these children coming from?!" Simon yelled and the child opened her eyes.

It was definitely a girl, with her curly red hair and wide green eyes. She was dressed in a newsboy's grey hat and a brown, dirty cloak like thing. She had dirt smudges over her face and her nose was a slight pink.

Deidre couldn't stop thinking how thin and hungry this child must be.

"Shh! No, no! Be quiet!" The child put her hands up and begged frantically.

"What are you doing here?" Deidre asked softly.

"I'm - I'm not supposed to Society." She whispered.

"We're not the Society, don't worry." Deidre met the girl's eyes.

"Then what are you doing here?" The child's head cocked slightly to the side.

Simon and Deidre shared a look. Then Simon shook his head. "Long story." He simply stated.

"You can trust us." Deidre promised when footsteps sounded down the hallway.

"Someone's coming," Simon whispered.

"My room's right here. I'll take her in, go get the food." Deidre compromised and picked up the child - who was frighteningly light - and headed into the bedroom.

She closed the door and laid the little girl on her bed.

"Now what's your name?" Deidre asked, her voice still soft and gentle.

"I'm Rosemary."

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