Chapter Six

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Deidre was beautiful. She had come out of her room like a princess. Though Simon knew it'd be awkward if he said something.

To be honest - he really liked the idea of being married to her, even if it was just pretend.

They'd gotten over to his house quickly and changing wasn't a problem. He ran a comb through his hair but gave up when it kept popping back up.

"Wait." Deidre said as he backed out.

"What?" He hoped she wasn't changing her mind.

"Won't they recognize you?" He hoped she had changed her mind instead.

His heart sped up for a minute but he shrugged to hide it.

"Doubt it." More like doubt that they won't recognize him.

He was dead. So dead. Deader than dead. His Mark couldn't save him from this. Even if they couldn't kill him, he was sure he'd end up being tortured the rest of his life.

They were silent for about half an hour until it really dawned on Simon what they were going to do.

On top of the fact of the fear of being recognized, there was the fear of being caught. He was pretty sure this was what a panic attack felt like.

He got all warm and then cold and couldn't stop swallowing.

"Simon? Are you ok?" Deidre asked worriedly.

"Um yeah." He lied. "Just...warm."

"The AC is up all the way. Maybe you have a fever. We should just go back."

"No!" Simon exclaimed a bit too loudly. "No," he said calmer. "Let's just get this done. You wanna find out the truth right?"

"Well yeah but if you're not feeling well-" Deidre furrowed her brows.

"I'm fine. Now don't worry about it and help me count all these cows."

"That is a lot of cows." She looked out the window and the rest of the trip was spent on numbers and cows.

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