Safe House

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     Following protocol of turning on the back-up military-grade security system, I then retrieve a gun from the safe and load it before proceeding to check the rest of the house. After I'm certain that there's no one else in the house, I make my way down to the basement where my dad's workbench is. I move the tape measure out of the way revealing a keypad. I enter the 8 digit code as the keypad scans my fingerprint. The wall slides back revealing the safe room. Once I'm in, the wall slides shut again. The motion sensor picks up my movements, and the lights flicker on as I sit down in front of the computer. First, I check to see if any files or items have been touched in this safe room, and then I check to see if any of the concealed, bedroom safes have been accessed or were tampered with. Nothing...I guess that's good. But the people who took my parents were able to hack in and shut off the security system. I know that they're long gone.

A video call appears on the screen, I accept it, and connect the computer to the large 150" monitor. Linda's face appears; she's working a night shift at HQ.

"Hey sweetie, you okay?" she asks with concern.

"I will be once I hunt down the assholes that took my parents and make them pay," I exclaim in an exaggerated cheery tone.

"I'm sure you will," she replies giving me a sad smile, "But the agency says to put on the emergency security backup."

"Yeah, I have," I reply remembering how I had to scan my eye and put in my finger print before entering another code arming the house with the agency's security system. There's no bypassing this one unless you're God.

"You're going to need to pack a bag. Plan on staying for a while. We will send agents Seth Thomas, Jacob Callahan, Bella Smith, and Aria Matthews to help with securing sensitive material and transport to a safe house," Linda explains to me typing away and looking away from the camera at a different computer screen, "They should be there by about five o'clock. Do you want me to stay on the line until then?"

The chair squeaks as I lean back.

I let out a tired sigh, "No, but I'll keep my phone on me if anything happens.

Linda gives me a reassuring smile before signing off. The screen goes black. I don't move from the seat though. All I want to do is sit there, but I force myself up. I easily empty out the safes and secure our files before racing up to pack my bag.


At 5:03 three black SUVs pull into the driveway. Aria texts me that she's here and then steps out of the car so that I can see her. She's wearing her signature black leather jacket. Bella and Seth are adult agents that investigate with the CSI team.

"Hey, cuz," Aria says as she steps approaches me and we hug, "How you holding up?"

"I'm tired, irritated, cold, and my parents have been kidnapped by my psycho ex. But other than that, I'm amazing," I laugh bitterly.

"It's fucked up," she states bluntly. I take some comfort in her usual candidness and lack of sugarcoating.

Aria gives me a halfhearted smile before following me inside. We make sure that everything is stored away using family protocol before helping me load my bags into the car. I feel bad that there's so much to carry out, but Linda said to expect to stay for a while—which can be anywhere from a few weeks to the end of the school year. That and the fact that the bare minimum I'd have would include a duffel of my personal items, my book bag for school, and my athletic bag. Jake jumps between helping the others and questioning me.

Finally, my stuff is packed, and I'm dismissed. Bella climbs into the back seat while I claim shot-gun. Aria and Bella take turns explaining what's going to happen next.

"Director of the youth agency has sent an order that until further notice you'll continue with school. If a valid threat is posed, you'll be pulled out," Aria begins.

Bella jumps in, "Until the kidnappers are confirmed, we ask that you don't leave the safe house except for school or unless you have an agent escort."

I groan in response. There was more but I'd rather not relay it.

It's seven by the time we reach the safe house.

"Okay, let's start investigating," I say as we finish unloading my things.

Bella gives Aria a look before stepping back out to the car.

"I'm in the middle of an assignment, "Aria explains, "The director is already pissed that I came to pick you up. I think I'll be fired if I stay.

"Oh," I say. I was thinking about us kicking ass together. It is a lot to ask for. Aria is a high ranking agent at the New York office right in the middle of a mission. Her first mission after everything.

"I'm almost done though. Once I wrap everything up, I'll come back to help you," she says with a crease in her forehead, "I'm sorry I can't do more."

"I get it. You've already done a lot. Thank you," I give her a smile and we hug again.

As she's heading for the door she turns back, "We called in to excuse you from today. I know you're pissed and it kills me that I have to leave you to finish my assignment, but please get some sleep. You look like shit."

I let out a slight chuckle, "Shut up."

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