Hey Fam

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That's a picture of Bailey's future college ⬆️

     When I woke up, yes I woke up, I was greeted by all white walls, the constant hum and beep of machinery, and the strong smell of cleaning solution. I immediately knew I was in the hospital and also that God has decided to keep me around for the time being. Thank you God. And yes I do remember why I'm here and can assume how I got here. I was shot, isn't the first time either, and if won't be the last. No I didn't try to get up immediately and then fall back in pain, like in all the books and movies. I simply tried to find the button to call the nurses' station, but before I could do that someone walked in, well two people did.

"Matthew! Mark!" I was ecstatic.

"Bailey, you're awake!" They rushed to my bedside.

"Yeah, what're you doing here?"

"The director let us come home for a break, to come see you and take care of you," Mark smiles.

"Besides you couldn't get rid of us for too long," Matthew adds before awkwardly patting my face.

I swat his away, "What about the Lees?"

"...Uh the mission you were planning...we sort of were forced to execute it early," Matthew awkwardly looks away expecting me to be mad, but I'm too tired to even think of that.

"With the direct threat against your life, and not knowing how long it take you to recover, we kinda filled in," Mark explains. He kinda jumped back expecting me to explode but I was too drained to be upset.

"Okay, was it successful?" I ask wearily.

"Well ...almost," Matthew rubs the back of his neck.

"What happened?"

"We were able to arrest everyone..." Matthew starts.

"But Mark Lee got away," Mark finishes.

"Shit," I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"He's helpless out there, we cut off all his connections," Matthew offers.

"You should know how resourceful Mark can be..."

"We do have two guards on your room twenty-four-seven," Mark offers.

I lay back and exhale, "Thanks guys, so when is your graduation from Quantico?"

"Next week, we finished up training early so that we could come to see you. The doctor said that recovery is relatively short for you. Unlike some other times, nothing major was hit or damaged, the reason you passed out was mainly from blood loss and shock," Mark continues as the doctor walks in.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Kim, I'm your physician. I'm glad to see you're awake," she smiles.

"Thanks, can I ask about the specifics on my...um...wound?" I choose my words carefully.

"Well to put it simply, the bullet hit mostly muscle and tissue causing minimal damage. Your recovery time should be pretty short, the caliber of the bullet was all wrong for the job, assuming the intent was to kill you. You're very fortunate, as you have experienced this before your emotions should be in check and no major or permanent damage will be caused if you properly rest."

"Uh...okay, thanks," I smile, "Hey doctor?"


"Are my parents here?"

"...Yes, as soon as you're allowed out of bed, we will allow you to visit."

"Thank you."


"Oh my gosh! Mom! Dad!" I run over to hug them, "You're okay!"

"Bailey, we missed you so much!" my mom cries into my shoulder.

"Honey, I'm so happy you're okay," my dad grins from ear to ear.

"Honey, why are you in the hospital?" my mom asks in concern.

"Mark Lee ordered a sniper on me," I say candidly.

"That bastard," my dad groans.

"We obviously missed a lot," my mom says as their lunch is wheeled in, "We want to hear about everything."

"Everything...like everything, or everything...like FBI everything?"

"Everything," my dad finishes.

Okay let's start from the beginning, I told them about Ben. My mom smiled and said that she always thought he was cute and that always liked me, while my dad merely grunted. Then I told them about how he cheated on my and how I broke up with him. My mom quickly retracted her statement and rubbed my back in sympathy, while my dad called him an asshole and commended me for flipping him on the concrete. Then I told them about Jay, but I may have left out a few details. Then I told them of some of my accomplishments and told them of the track season. Also I forgot to mention in m last track meet, I broke the school record---they were happy to hear that. I also told them about Jonny, my parents looked at me apprehensively, but I told them that I'd be careful. We spent the day together talking and the entire time I was gushing with joy.


     While in recovery, I did my best to keep up with school work and I would walk whenever I could to rebuild my strength. My friends came to visit a lot and my brothers were constantly checking up, I would be leaving soon. Then one day after lunch, Jonny came to visit.

"Hey Bailey, how're you feeling?" Jonny asks walking in.

"A lot better now," I respond.

"I kinda wanted to talk to you about..."

"The kiss?"

"So you do remember?" He looks at me.

"Yeah...I did it because I was sure I was going to die, and also..." I couldn't finish the sentence. For crying out loud, I liked him, I really liked him. The thought of him made me smile and one conversation with him made my day that much better.

"Yeah, well I wanted to say that I li-" Jonny was cut off as a nurse came in to take away my lunch.

The courage he had built up to say whatever he wants to say was gone, moment ruined. Our conversation was replaced by an awkward silence, so I decided that we should go on a walk to the healing garden. We didn't talk much, but I didn't mind, it was nice to see him.

Returning to school would be interesting. My parents and I were released at around the same time, and with my brothers home, they helped with taking care of us. It was a warm Monday morning, track had ended (unfortunately), and the school year was beginning to wrap up. Today was the start of my internship, in the last two weeks of school, if you get an internship that relates to your major than you basically end the school year early. I was interning at the precinct downtown.

     Some days I just filed paperwork, other days I got to comb through old evidence and examine cold cases, since I did have a few connections. The experience was great, great people, great equipment, great atmosphere, the lab and precinct were ideal. I could have gone to a different police station or the courthouse if I wanted to focus more on the legal spectrum. I almost chose to go to the forensics lab, but last minute decided not to.

     Then there was decision day, the day the high school seniors wear t-shirts of their future colleges. I received a full ride scholarship to CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Damn, this was going to be great.

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