A Lead?

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Sunday, I wake up with new found determination. I walk down to the safe room and set up a video conference with the director.

"Sir, Jay has admitted to holding my parents hostage alongside his father," I state.

"Did you record it?" the director asks.

"Don't I always, I've already sent it to you and the computer analysts over a secure network."

"Good work, Hart."

"...He proposed an exchange."


"He wants to do a prisoner exchange."

"Well, who are they?"

"Ron Johnson, Bradley Walton, Levi Anderson, and Michael Corleone."

"I see..." the director sits back in his seat causing it to creak.

"What about money?" I ask holding on to my last bit of hope.

"They haven't ask for money...but it may work," he says unsure.

"Sir...I'm very conflicted, and I haven't found much."

"Your personal involvement is the reason I'm taking you off the case."

"WHAT?! Sir, with all do respect-"

"I don't want an argument."

"Sir, please. Because of my personal involvement I have more encouragement to try to get my parents back," I beg.

"Hmm...fine. You're allowed to investigate, but you will not raid or arrest anyone or anything...for now," he knows I'll do a good job.

"Thank you Sir," I sign off and go to the gym for some crossfit to help reduce my stress levels.

After I shower I make myself some breakfast--a tomato and basil omelet with berries off to the side. My phone vibrates and I look to see a facetime call from Matthew.

"Took you long enough to respond!"

"Sorry sis, they've been pushing us hard in training," Matthew gestures to Mark as he walks up.

"Okay okay, but our parents are missing. They were kidnapped by the Lees. Kidnapped."

"If you would've mentioned them sooner, we would've packed and left already," Matthew's eyes darken.

"We weren't as worried, our parents are tough, they can handle themselves," Mark adds, "But now that we know about this..."

"I haven't picked up any leads and there aren't any other agents around at the moment to help me." Why did Avalon have to go back home?

"We're packing now," Matthew pulls out a duffel bag.

"Sounds great...but let's realistic, they won't let you leave."

"That's true, is there anyone with clearance?"



"Sam! She got clearance back when we were in seventh grade. She helps me on the occasional case!"

"Okay, we have to get going. Keep us updated," Mark gives me a sad smile.

"Yeah, and be careful," Matthew says dead serious, "We don't want anything to happen to our little sis."

"If we find out they did something to you, we will hunt down those bastards and take of them," Mark says solemnly.

"Thanks, I love you guys...and I really miss you."

"We miss you too sis, bye loser."

"Bye freaks."

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