Trust Me?

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      When I wake up, I'm strapped to a chair and I have a dull pain throbbing through my head. I'm glad I left all my jewelry/gadgets at home, including my parents' wedding rings.
"Well look who's up," I hear the ruthlessness in the voice.

"It's nice to see you too, Mark Lee."

"I tried to play fair, but now that you're here, why not spice things up?" he cackles.

"Let's," I say in a bored tone.

"This is so perfect. I can have you tortured until you give us the intel that your agency intercepted from the Russians and you can also be held for ransom," he sneers.

"Okay, let's just get on with it because you know that the FBI knows I'm here and I'm not giving up confidential information."

"I thought so, this should be fun."

Those were the last words I heard before the hell began. Sleep deprivation, beatings, water boarding, my head dunked into ice cold water, near starvation, and that was only the beginning. This continued for two weeks and I was desperately holding on to my last shreds of sanity.mMy entire body ached and every breath was a chore. I was laying on a mattress, drenched, shackled, in a pitch black room for the night. Despite the shivering this was the first opportunity to finally get some sleep. As my eyes began to droop shut a door opened and a shaft of light leaked in from the hallway.

"Aw Mark, you must have really missed me," I grumble.

"Sorry sweetheart, it's Jay."

"What a coward, he sends his own son to finish the job," I mumble.

"I'm not here to finish anything, I'm here...I'm here to help."

"Ha!" I wince as I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen that shoots through the rest of my body.

"Trust me?" Jay asks I see his brown eyes glisten even in the near darkness.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Have choices ever stopped you in the past?"

"True...okay...I'm trusting you...don't make me regret this."

"You won't," he says it so sincerely as he undoes the shackles.

"I-I can't get up, I don't have the strength."

"Okay I got you," he carefully picks me up and carries me bridal style. I'm slipping in and out of consciousnesses as I bob up and down in his arms as he races through the halls. He lays me down in a car and quickly jumps into the driver's seat before taking off. After that I completely pass out until hours later.

"Hey," I say groggily.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, finally got some sleep," I crack a smile.

"I've bandaged you up best that I could. I also stopped and got you a gourmet burger with steamed veggies and a smoothie with extra protein--to build your strength."

"Thanks," I gladly accept the much needed meal, "Uh...Jay?"


"Why did you do that? Why did you help me?"

"...I...I don't agree with my father or his way of life, but I was kinda forced into it. I could swallow my emotions until I met you, I was glad that I was stopped, but I'm sorry for breaking your heart. My mother never agreed with this either, that's why she's no longer here. I...I care about you. I'm grateful to of had the mother that I did, she shed some light on my life. And there's you," he gives me a sad smile, "Truth is, I really don't want anything to happen to you. Sorry about what my dad already did."

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