Preparing For The Date

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     My alarm jolts me out of a deep sleep.
"Ah shit...snooze," I knock my phone onto the floor.
      My alarm goes off again and my hand automatically goes to my nightstand--but it's not there. So I climb out of bed to search for my phone on the cold floor. Finally, I eradicate the obnoxious beeping.
"Okay okay, I'm up," I mutter.

I get ready, pack my bag, and drive up to the school. I stretch and run a few laps around the school grounds, when someone runs up beside me. I'm about to smack him and race to my car but I realize it only Jonny...wait Jonny?!

I pullout one of my ear buds, "Jonny, what're you doing here?"

"I wanted to get an early start on the day," he smiles.

"I think you've been spying on me," I laugh."

"Maybe," he jokes back, "But in all seriousness, I did want to get an early's just an added bonus that I'm not alone."

I laugh and feel my cheeks heat up. After I pause my music, we continue to run and then part ways to stretch and then shower. I emerge from the locker room in a pale pink blouse, a brown leather jacket, simple blue skinny jeans, and brown combat boots. I had pulled my hair back into an intricate French braid with some pieces of hair hanging down to frame my face.

"Hey Bailey," Jonny smiles walking across the gym.

"Hi Jonny," I smile in return.

We stand inches apart and I force myself to make eye contact.

"Want to go swimming tomorrow?"


"Instead of running, why don't we swim some laps?"

"Okay I smile


"That game was hard, the girls from BWHS play rough." I stretch in the one piece I wear for swim practice. Jonny pulls off his t-shirt. Wow, he may be on the small side but...back on topic.

"And you and the team still played great."
"Thanks. Ready?"
Jonny nods.

In one swift movement we both dive in, we swim lap after lap racing each other. Both of our competitive streaks show through. Jonny gets out a while later to get a drink.

"Dude, can you pass me a hair tie?"

"A what?"

"The rubber band that girls put in their hair. I thought you had sisters," I point to the stack of them on my bag.

As he reaches to hand it over I pull him in the pool. He emerges from the water and sputters, "Jerk." I smirk in return. Jonny dunks me in return and when I emerge from the water I splash him.

"We better get to the showers," Jonny points up to the clock.

"Oh...right," I'm disappointed but force a smile before climbing out.


     I wake up early Saturday morning and follow up the leads. I talk to some people and spend another hour or so in Panera on my laptop eating a bagel. In the end all my leads don't turn anything up. I give up in frustration and go to the gym with a friend from the FBI for sparring. She falls on the mat and I offer her my hand to help her up.

"Damn Bailey, how the hell do you always manage to kick my ass?" Avalon asks.

"Eh, skill?" I reply laughing.

"Ha ha, well I got to get home," she picks up her duffel bag.

"Okay, I'll see you around."

After Avalon walks away Jay walks in wearing a white tank top and a pair of black basketball shorts with two red stripes going down the side. I narrow my eyes, "What the hell do you want?"

"Calm down, I just want to fight."

"I'm fine with fighting."

"I meant spar."

"No," I turn around re-wrapping my wrist.

"Please," he gives me puppy eyes.

"Ugh...fine, one match."

"Great," he grins.

As soon as we start I decide not to show this asshole any mercy. I drop kick him and land a blow to his ribs. Then I put him in a leg lock until he taps out. Too easy.

"I can still kick you ass," I smirk.

"Help me up?"

Help yourself up!"

"What if I treat you to ice cream, superman right?"

My body stiffens, "No."

After showering I buy groceries, being careful to avoid anyone I might know. Once I get home and put away the groceries I make my way down to the safe room. As I'm on the computer Sam facetimes me.


"Geez, what's wrong with you?"

"If I tell you, promise not to kill me?"

"I promise."

"So remember back in 7th grade when I became an agent?"


"And me and...Jay?"

"That d*ck?" Won't forget 'em."

"Okay last week Jay and his father kidnapped my parents. The FBI told me not to do anything yet. Monday, Jay and I met at Danny's for dinner to discuss my parents."

"What did you say?"

"Well he said that we would exchange my parents for some of the worst criminals, some of which my parents helped put away. Then I called him an asshole, slapped him, and went home."

"Slay...are you okay?"

"I will be."

"I'm glad I got that high level clearance back in seventh grade. Also, if there's anything I can do, just text me.

"Okay, also I went to the gym today and Jay came, he asked me to be his sparring partner."

"Oh my God."

"But don't worry, I kicked his butt."

I ranted more when I looked over at the clock. "AHHH Sam, Ben will be here soon. I have to get ready. What do I wear?"

"Hm, what about that white lacy tank top, with black leggings, and a black leather jacket?"

"Okay, thank you so much."

"That's what I'm here for."

Sam stayed on facetime while I washed my face and threw on my clothes. Then she has to calm me down when I can't find my jacket. I end up finding it in my brother's closet. I put my hair in a high pony tail. I got ready in about 10 minutes flat--impressive I know. With the time left over, I paint my nails a metallic, dark gray and then sit in the kitchen waiting for Ben.


A bit of a filler I know, sorry.

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