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"Jay, Jay wake up!" I whisper desperately shaking him.
"Bailey...what's wrong?" Jay asks wearily.
"What's that?" Jay sits up.
"...Jay, did you do this?"
"What? No-"
      But he's cut off as a group of men run in and ambush us. My attacker pins me to the couch while he takes multiple hits to my ribs. I kick him in the groin and as he stumbles back, I take the opportunity to round house kick him. And before he can fully recover, I take the cookie tin and smash his head with it. As I go for another blow someone tackles me from behind and I slice the side of my face against the corner of the TV stand. I quickly recover and turn around and block the guy's punch before I kick him into the other guy, who is beginning to get up, and then trap him in a head lock until he passes out. My original attacker gets up again and I duck to avoid his kick and grab his leg and flip him, this time he doesn't get back up. I turn to see Jay finishing with his attacker.

     I was worn out and the adrenaline was wearing off. Tousling my hair back I sigh in exhaustion and turn to Jay, "Hey you oka-" I begin but I'm cut off as Jay conks me on the head and I black out.


     When I come to, I'm tied to a chair with a gag around my mouth, sitting in my basement. I'm tightly tied, head to toe, in thick cord. I know struggling is useless. I strain my ears to listen and I hear Jay in the other room cursing while he types away on his laptop. I let out a moan as if I just woke up and that alerts Jay to my consciousness. He rushes in, "Oh my God, Bailey...I've been looking everywhere for you. These guys must have taken you, I'm so sorry."

What a prick, I actually trusted this guy. Yeah sorry my ass, but I force a weak smile and pretend that I don't remember, "Thanks, Jay...I-I don't really remember what happened."
Jay suddenly looks relieved, and I begin to form a plan in my head, I now know that Jay can't be trusted, but maybe I could try to "rekindle and old spark" and use that to my advantage. Yeah, I can play naive.
"Well thank you for finding me, can you untie me so that we can assess the damage," I say with a slight pout.
He smiles in response, "Of course, Bee."
We head upstairs and I look at the damage and after analyzing the house I realize that nothing was stolen. It wasn't money that these people wanted, they were trying to access the FBI database. The damage was easy to clean up between the two of us, and I made sure to never let Jay out of my sight in case he tries anything. I contact the agency about what happened and my plan. He flops on the couch in exhaustion and I sit down and kind of snuggle down beside him (gag). Turing to him I ask, "Would you like some lunch?"
"Oh...uh, sure thanks," he shrugs.
I return him with a sickly sweet smile.


     After lunch Jay showed me how to ride his motorcycle and told me I was a natural. He smiled at me and stayed by my side, making sure I wouldn't get hurt, he seemed so genuine and it made my blood boil. I managed to calm down as we watched a movie on the couch and I snuggled next to him as we ate dinner. I was so close to stabbing him with my fork. I had to act fast, as the movie went to commercial I moved our empty plates to the coffee table across the room. All day I was being extremely nice to him, but now was the real test. Thinking back to when we were dating I looked down at him exposing my vulnerabilities, "It's...its been really nice having you stay here. It was really lonely."
      By now I'm sitting down again and we're staring into each other's eyes....don't stab him....don't stab him.... His gaze flicks down to my lips and I can see lust flood his eyes, I've got him.
"It's nice having you...back," I turn away as if I were embarrassed but I'm really just trying to find my dignity, I lost it. The things I do for the agency.
"It's been really nice staying here, I've missed you...missed this. I'm so sorry for everything that happened," Jay smiles as he scoots closer. How subtle *eye roll*.
"Jay, you don't have to-"
But I don't get to finish my sentence as he closes the gap between our lips and passionately kisses me. Yup, I'm kissing the guy that tried to kill both me and my family. I stiffen at first but then relax and melt into the kiss. He cups my face with his hand and strokes my hair with the other. I loop my arms around his neck and pull him closer. His kisses become more frequent as if he needs this. He picks me up as I hook my legs around his waist as he carries me upstairs, our lips still in contact.
     He walks into my room and lays me down on my bed before closing the door and climbing on top. His lips leave mine as they travel down my jaw and I bite my lip holding back a smile and moan. His hands play with the hem of my shirt.
"Do you want this?" Jay stops to ask.
That snaps me out of this daze and I remember my mission. "Yes," I breathe.
His hands move up under my shirt and I know he doesn't suspect a thing. I reach one hand up and pull his shirt off revealing his chiseled torso and use my other hand to reach for my gun stowed under my pillow. Swallowing my emotions, I pull out the gun and point it at his head, cocking it and turning it off safety. He instantly stops, and looks directly into my eyes.
"Bee...Bailey...what're you doing?" He asks hesitantly, giving me an indecipherable gaze.
Blinking back tears and recomposing myself I reply, "My mission."
Smacking the butt of the gun against his head knocking him out and I pick him off. Then I tie him up and wait for him to wake up, partial credit to a bucket of ice cold water. Still holding my gun, I leisurely lean against the wall.
"What the hell?...Bailey?" His gaze softens and I once again suppress my emotions and return him with a scowl.
"Oh my God, Jay...I've looking everywhere for you. These guys must have taken you, I'm so sorry," I mock and stare at him with a stone expression.
"I-I can explain..."
"If I was given ten dollars every time I trusted you when I shouldn't, I would have a small fortune by now."
"This whole time, you played me...it was all planned!"
"Yeah...I was against it, I swear!" He pleads but I'm not buying it.
"Yeah right, what was really on those micro dots?"
"...Intel I was gathering on you and your family, I was supposed to give it to my father but after seeing us he suggested this and hoping by regaining your trust I could squeeze more information out of you," he looks down in shame.
"You are the biggest f*cking asshole ever. You played with my emotions and my life like some sort of twisted game."
"I-I...I'm sorry..."
"Sorry isn't going to cut it," I swallow and point the gun at him.
"You wouldn't."
"Try me," I growl.
"If you wanted to kill me, I'd already be dead," he says desperately.
"Don't flatter yourself honey, the only reason you're alive is because I wanted an explanation, I think I figured it out. It's a repeat from what you did back when we met, after my team and I arrested your mom you blamed us even if it was you dad that framed her to save his own skin. Then once your mom was gone your dad regretted it and he changed. You physically lost you mom, and emotionally lost your dad..." I sigh, "And you blame me."

Jay doesn't say a word.

"So not only have you kidnapped my parents but you broke my heart, twice. Yes, you need the Intel and my parents do hold a lot of precious data that could bring your corrupt empire crashing down but you wanted to hurt my family and you really wanted to hurt me. That is low in so many ways, but what can I expect from a d*ck like yourself," I turn around and sigh.

"I'm...I'm so sorry for all of that...I'm sorry that I did that," his voice cracked.
"What is this amateur hour? I recorded all of this. In fact, it's being broadcast back at HQ," I say with my back still turned.
Next thing I know Jay has sprung out of his chair with the scissors he used to cut himself free pressed to my throat. He's pressed me against the wall.
"I'm sorry it came to this," he apologizes, "I'll make it fast, I promise."
"Sorry...if I don't believe in your promise," I seethe through clenched teeth as I struggle against him.
My other arm is reaching out and my fingers brush into my gun. The blade begins to cut into my skin. I can feel the warm blood trickle down my neck. My body goes into panic mode and with my last chance, I grasp my gun. Almost out of habit, without thinking, I fluidly aim my gun and shoot him.
His blood sprays my face and the pressure of the blade against my neck disappears and he give me a look of deep hurt, regret, and betrayal. I watch as the life leaves his eyes and he crumples to the floor and a pool of blood begins to form.

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