Fast Forward A Few Years

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*Four and a half years in the future*

Prom was fun, I went with Jonny. We liked each other and we could have been together, but it just wasn't the right time or place. We stayed friends even though I wanted to be more, I think he did too. I graduated high school with honors (a GPA of 4.3), I participated in concert/symphonic band all four years, mural club, key club, interact, student council, cross country, volleyball, basketball, swimming, soccer, track, softball, and national honor society. I went through high school thinking I was so cool, yeah I guess I was...but I was also so stupid. I can't believe I actually liked people like Ben and Jay, they're basically the cliche bad boys. And looking back I cringe. I'm glad the relationships never became too serious and I stuck close to my friends. I had fun, and I didn't have to break any rules to do so. I had some part time jobs and internships as well. High school was a great experience and I got to live through it with my best friends.

The reality of life is that I only keep in contact with my main friend group---the squad. I haven't spoken to some of my other friends in a long time. It's a sad truth, and part of life. But college was great, except for all the studying, and homework, and the food, dear God I miss my mom's homemade cooking. I was homesick for the first few months of my freshman year, but I had an awesome roommate in the honors dorm and joined numerous clubs. Although I did receive many scholarships for the several sports that I played, my career wasn't centered around that, but I joined a lot of sports related clubs which kept me busy. During the summers I worked my ass off and got a lot of paid internships so I could have experience for when I applied for the FBI. I soon received a much awaited letter from Quantico expressing my acceptance.

College overall was a great experience: new friends, new experiences, I matured, the campus life, some short relationships, driving down to watch football games, and the amazing feeling of coming home during breaks and seeing my family. After I graduated with honors, I applied and was accepted into Quantico. My parents threw me a huge party with the entire family and my friends. A couple nights before I left, I had the squad over to hang out and spend the night. Sam and Blake were still dating, but going strong. Alex now had a boyfriend, but Francis and Sydney were still as single as me. I wasn't looking for anything right now, I just wanted to focus on my career. We had a fun night, playing basketball in the driveway, board games, a very competitive round of poker, we went swimming, came back and sat around the fire reminiscing about high school.

"Remember freshman year when Grant set off those bottle rockets in the principal's office?" Francis snorted.

"Yeah, or the time the senior class covered over the entire hallway in cups of Sriracha for their senior prank?" Sydney added.

"What about our senior prank where we greased all the handles and put dye packs in the water tank?" I smirked.

"Or the time that foreign exchange student was convinced that Amelia was the reincarnation of a goddess?" Alex laughed.

"Or the time, when we went to see the Fourth of July fireworks and we saw Jennifer and her boyfriend getting it on?" Sam cringed.

"Or at that one track meet where it down poured and we all huddled under the bleachers because the coaches forgot to bring the tent to that away meet?" I recalled.

"Or the time you broke that school record, or when the entire grade sang 'Happy birthday' to you, or when you slayed Ben's ass, or-"

"Okay okay, Sam. Thanks for the self confidence booster," I sighed.

"Why're you leaving, again?" Francis asked.

"I'm getting master's degree." It was obviously a lie. I couldn't tell them.

"Can you pass me another beer?" Francis asked.

"How many have you had already?" Sydney questioned.

"None of your business," Francis replied slurring her words slightly.

"Hey, it's your hangover," Sydney shrugged before handing her another bottle.

We sat there for a while until we all got tired and headed down to the basement to crash. Alex, Sydney, and Francis were fast asleep, but Sam and I stayed up to talk over a slow paced game of cards. We talked about college and future plans, guys, but somehow we always got back to the topic of high school.

"So how were the last few guys you dated?" Sam asked placing down an ace of hearts and it made me think of Zella Day.

"One was an engineer he has nice, and hardworking...but we never clicked. Then there was the artist but he was kind of out there. The last one was a writer, he was intelligent and deep. He easy to talk to and understanding."

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"His fellow writer ex returned and he dumped me for her," I frowned, "Eh, oh well. Better luck next time."

"That's the spirit, besides you're beautiful and smart and athletic and strong and you slay ass. So it shouldn't be too hard to find Mr. Right," Sam reassures.

"Says the girl who has been in a steady relationship for what, five years?"

"Five and a half," Sam corrects with a dreamy sparkle in her eye.

"Okay, this conversation is starting to become out of my league."

"Don't worry, you're fine all on your own."


     When my parents dropped me off at the airport, I hugged them goodbye and was happy for the early flight. My time was occupied with reading emails, texting my friends, and catching up on some reading. Once I arrived at Quantico, I felt an adrenaline rush. As I walked into the huge lecture hall like room and my eyes landed on one person.


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