All's Well That Ends Well

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     Mark Lee is still out there, and I intend on bringing him down once and for all and taking him in. But  I had to take it easy, since I couldn't participate in any physical activity, the police threw together some puff piece to explain why I was shot, it was labeled as a school shooting. I was so thankful that they had covered for me, the agency was always there, but the police went above and beyond to cover up for me and keep me safe. Although what happened wasn't a school shooting, I was targeted by a sniper, although he didn't seem all that experienced if he used the wrong caliber bullet.

     Walking in after the internship was  beyond awkward. All the eye followed my every move as I strode in and joined my friends. No one said anything as they looked at me, some with a look of soppy pity, and others looked at me as if I were a freak.

"Hey Bails, you okay?" Alex asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," I snapped.

"No no, not like what you think. I mean with all the...stares."

"Oh...sorry, I don't really have a choice."

"Dude, Ben is literally burning holes into your skull with the way he's looking at you," Sam nudged me.

"You know what," I stood up to face everyone, "If you have something to say, can you please just say, if not, stop looking at me like a bug under a microscope." That seemed to do the trick.


     Prom was approaching and Jonny asked me. Although we liked each other, the timing was all wrong so we went as friends. I picked out a navy blue dress with some beautiful beading at the top and Jonny matched with a tie that he already owned. That night was so much fun, we were jamming...and there was a slow song and he asked me to dance.

As we were leaning in for a kiss Francis walked up, "Hey guys, I've been looking for-," she stopped, "Oh, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine Francis," I lied. The moment was ruined. The squad and our dates hung out for the rest of the night and he dropped me off at my friend's house with a quick hug and a short good bye.


     Graduation was here as I stood in my white robe awaiting my name to be called.

"Samantha Harbar," the principal called and Sam walked up with a nervous smile and her eyes shining with excitement as she shook his hand and received her diploma. Her robe was decorated multiple cords.

"Bailey Hart," I walked up and unconsciously began to smile as my fingers played with the many cords around my shoulders. The principal handed me my diploma and congratulated me on an  exemplary high school career. We shook hands and posed for some pictures.

"Elijah Harven," Mr. Harris said and I clapped for one of my friends.

"Gerhard Hickory...Blake Hothorn," Sam clapped especially when his name was called and he sent her a wink. Then they asked the kids who graduated with honors to step forward, which I did. After the ceremony my parents decided to take us out to eat. We were joined by the squad and their parents. That was fun. What else? Oh yeah, my brothers swearing in for the FBI, damn that was cool. But we kept making eye contact and I would pull a ridiculous face which would take away from the seriousness of the ceremony.


     School had ended and my family and I went on this awesome vacation to the Caribbean before my brothers dove into their careers and I headed off to college and eventually Quanitco. I had done early admission and went back to visit the college and was in contact with many people in admissions and the office to hopefully stand out. I had a part time job down at the forensics lab, it was strictly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays since I was doing a running camp Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Mom took me shopping a lot for college to get supplies for my dorm room, I found a nice girl and yes I ran a background check on her. Hey don't judge, if I have to share a freaking room with this girl for the next year or so, I got to find someone who's sane.

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