HAPPY Birthday To Me

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I sat down at my table and greeted my friends.

"Okay, how was the date?" I ask.

"Yeah dude, you haven't said anything about it yet," Sam adds.

"She barely said anything to me," Francis comments.

"It was...a lot of fun," Sydney says with a knowing smile.

"What happened?" Alex asked.

"Well he picked me up and went to the movies. We watched some action/horror movie. It was so much fun. We shared a large popcorn, the movie was great..."

"What else?!"

"Afterwards we went for fro-yo at Orange Leaf. It wasn't some fairy tale date, but it was fun. It was chill and we're going out again.

We continued to talk about her date until the day began. The day sucked, the teachers jumped into schoolwork. I was relieved when school ended and nearly sprinted to the locker room to change for track. We do our stretching, warm up laps, and bounding. The distance runners went to run five miles, the hurdlers set up the hurdles, the people in field events went to go practice that, the throwers went to the shot and discus pit, and I joined the sprinters to run ladders and Indian runs. There's enough time for me to go through my events. I notice that my shins really hurt, so I pull back, and stretch. I take my shoes off and see that the traction is really worn down. My phone dings:


Blocked ID

Blocked ID:

Just like I wore down your shoes, I'll wear down you and your parents


Really Mark? Do you have so much time that you've reverted to childish pranks and teasings?

Blocked ID:

Don't underestimate me, darling


Yeah yeah yeah

Blocked ID:

Remember you have until the day after your track tournament


I walk out of the locker room into the cafeteria while staring at my phone.

"You okay?"

"Hm, oh yeah. Thanks Jonny."

"Why are you texting a blocked ID?"

"What...it's...it's nothing."

"Are you in trouble?" Jonny looks at me dead in the eye.

"No, I know what I'm doing. Jonny, please don't tell anyone," I tell him pleadingly---I can't drag him into this too.

"Okay, I won't say anything," he says solemnly.

"Thank you," I give him a quick hug and head home.


Over the course of the next weeks a lot happens, and it really sucks that my parents aren't here to provide their support. You know in the yearbooks there's a section for most school spirit, or best smile, or most likely to be famous. Then the student body votes for one girl and one boy for each. I won most likely to be president along side Lucas, most likely to be valedictorian along side Blake, and most athletic along side...Ben. I got student of the month, a promotion from the FBI, I finished 7th place at the track invitational for my 4x400, and 8th for the 400. Plus my 18th birthday is coming up and so is the track tournament. Man, I wish my parents were here. Mark hasn't let up and keeps up with his tauntings, especially when I reach a dead end in my research.

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