Bye Ben

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I quickly stretch and shower before grabbing breakfast in the cafeteria. I sit down with a breakfast sandwich and pop in my earbuds to get in some last minute studying. The attack on Pearl Harbor happened on December 7, 1941...

"Yo Bailey!"

I turn around, "Hey Jonny!"

"Hey, how was your weekend?"

"Good...and bad...but eh, whatever," I shrug.

"Well you did amazing at solo and ensemble, what happened after that?"

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head over," I reach up and pat his head with a sarcastic laugh.

"You think I'm pretty?" he asks batting his eyelashes.

"Yes, very."

"Well I am quite the stud muffin," he says flexing.

"Quite," I say sarcastically feeling his bicep.

"Ouch," he sticks out his lip, "Did something happen between you and Ben?"


"Because he's glaring at us."

I glance behind me and meet his eye, raising an eyebrow with a smirk, "He cheated on me, we broke up, I'm over it..."

"Dang, I'm sorry."

"He's a jerk anyway, I think I'm done with guys for a while."

"Good for you...what happened?" he points to the cut.

"What? Oh...I was sparring with a new opponent, let's just say, I need some more practice."

"Geez, you okay?" Jonny asked and I had to stop my self from blushing.

"Pft, yeah---I'm fine," I force a smile.

"Okay, see you in science."

"Yeah okay," I go back to studying and get up to throw away my garbage and put the tray back. Completely ignoring Ben I strut past his table and when I walk back Ben catches my hand and pulls me into him, "Baby, why're you ignoring me?"


"Come on, what did I do?"

"We broke up, remember?" I give him a  bored expression and sigh in irritation.

His friends look at us in shock.

Ben laughs nervously, "B-Bailey, what're you talking about?"

"Oh, so you didn't tell them? I'll take your silence as a no," I turn to his friends, "Let me enlighten you, boys. On that romantic Valentine's Day date, Ben ditched me, and I found him sucking some girl's neck in his car."

"What the hell, man!" Charlie smacks Ben over the head.

"Dude, that was so wrong," Luke shakes his head.

"So if you'll excuse me, I have some studying to do," I yank away from his grip.


In science, we're studying genetics and heredity. So, it was the beginning of the chapter and each girl was partnered with a guy. We each choose one of the two eggs with our assigned number, which held chromosomes. The different alleles, genes, and chromatids and the different types of dominance determined what the offspring would look like. I was partnered with Jonny...long story short he kept saying stuff about our kid. So the truth is, I do still like him, and I don't think I stopped...but I don't want to jump into another relationship. A) I don't even know if he likes me, B) I don't think I can handle anymore boy drama, and C) if I start another relationship so soon----I'll look like a slut. Afterwards I went to karate then to track. Conditioning time (AKA hell) was about to begin, distance run---make a wrong turn and you could add five extra miles to your run. I learned that the hard way freshman year. I come home, shower, and collapse on my bed.

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