The Lees Are Going To Pay

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Track meets were going well, I ran in the 400, 4x400, and 200. I even beat Elizabeth when we had a home meet against WH, but she promised to whoop my ass next time we raced. In my free time, I obsessively tried to track down my parents but only turned up dead ends. News spread of me breaking up with Ben accompanied by numerous rumors. According to school gossip, he's dating a girl from BWHS. I don't really care, he walks around with a self righteous attitude like he won or something. But I know it's all an act, his popularity has began to dwindle. His once full table of jocks and populars now contains him and two huge f*ck boys, girls avoid talking to him as much, and the teachers and coaches seemed to sense that he did something wrong.

With end of quarter tests coming up, I focused strictly on my studies. My friends and I aced out tests and we made plans to meet up during spring break. After helping student council, I came home that Friday night and changed into running clothes. I went down to the park by my house and worked off some stress. After my run I came home and showered before changing into a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. I headed down to the safe room and scanned through security footage, license plates, financials, and any other clue I could pull. Damn, the Lees know how to cover their tracks. Well I am hungry and I think I hear Netflix calling my name, I guess I can resume my search until tomorrow. I heat up a pizza and sit down but half way through the movie I crash.


     The next morning, I clean the house before getting dressed for a meeting with the director and a few other important people. I've gathered all the evidence and information on a flash drive. We're going to begin the operation to get my parents back, negotiations were off the table. Every criminal is different, but there's a long, twisted history with this family. Once I was dressed in what could only be described as a glorified pant suit I drove to the agreed location. My key card got me in and I was greeted by the board as I entered the conference room. The introduction was routine and bland, but I sat politely awaiting my chance to speak.

"Hart," the director looked at me.

I got up and walked to the front plugging my flash drive into the laptop I began to speak, "The Lees are a family involved in organize crime. Their latest feat has been a kidnapping of agents Brianna and Peter Hart. It was a personal vendetta against the Hart family. As of now the Jay Lee and his mother are deceased. Most of the Lees connections have been cut off, and the location in which Brianna and Peter Hart are being held have been narrowed down to a 50 mile radius." The screen show a map and pans out to show the area.

"Since the death of Lee, the Lees have been less active and more careful to cover their tracks. Based on the situation, the best answer would probably be to send in a team along side plain dressed agents to scope up the area. As more time passes the smaller the chances are of getting back these agents, but we must operate carefully. No shots in the dark, we can't risk missing our target, it might just warn them and they could move the hostages," I look at the table with a piercing gaze and I know I have their attention.

"Through meticulous planning, the Lees will believe that we aren't doing anything or that we aren't successful. if we stay under the radar for a little longer, he will get cocky. The cocky ones are always the ones that fall the hardest."

"Thank you Hart," the director nods, "Let's bring in the computer analysts and team and begin working."

The entire day was spent scoping out the area, researching the family and team, and making preparations. The Lees are going to pay for what they've done, I'm not going to be impetuous, if I want this to be done right everything must be planned and prepared for. I'm not making the same mistake twice. I will get my parents back, they will be okay, they will survive. So help me God if Mark Lee does anything to my either of my parents, I will return the favor times 100. I'm sick of him and his entire despicable family.


A/N: Sorry the chapter was so short, but I felt that this was a good place to end it.

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