Obsession - Spanna

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Not mine

Second period finds Spencer and Hanna in the biology lab, sitting next to each other, and Hanna copying Spencer's notes.

"So, what does that add up to?" their biology teacher asks. "Hastings?"

Spencer took a deep breath and started spouting out all the information she knew. She was having her own mini party inside her head while she was answering when she noticed Hanna acting weird; the blonde was squirming in her chair, breathing a little heavy, and occasionally whimpering. Spencer wanted to ask her what was wrong but she was in the middle of answering her teacher, so she opted to wait.

"Good job, Hastings."

Waiting until the teacher turned her back, Spencer turned to Hanna, "You okay?" she asked concernedly.

Hanna blinked at her, "What?"

"Are you okay?" Spencer repeated. "You were acting funny just now..." she frowned in confusion.

Shaking her head vehemently, "Nope! I'm totally fine!"

Spencer opened her mouth to argue the blonde's obvious lie when their names were called.

"Hastings, Marin, pay attention please."

So Spencer decided to drop it for the time being.
Emily giggled, "So, what you're saying is I should study the cliff notes?"

"Yup!" Spencer nodded, with a smirk.

"But you're Spencer Hastings!" Emily exclaimed, "How dare you say cliff notes?"

Chuckling, Spencer shook her head, "Shut up..."

Hanna bit her lip, "Spence, what do you have next?"

Brows furrowed, Spencer answered in a confused tone, "English, Han... we all do..."

"Right." Hanna nodded absentmindedly, "And after that?"

"Free period." Spencer reached forward to touch the blonde's forehead, "Are you okay?"

Humming contently, "Totally. Are you going out tonight?"

"Um, I have to go to dinner with my parents. Should be a nightmare." She shuddered, "Why?"

"No reason."

Emily and Aria exchanged glances, the entire table could tell that Hanna was being a little too weird.

"Hanna, what's with all the questions?" Aria asked.

Sighing, Hanna shrugged, "Nothing."

Nodding slowly, Aria, Emily, and Spencer all stood up after hearing the bell ring.

"Come on, Han..." Spencer mumbled, dragging the blonde up.
Wanting to take the steak knife in her hand and stab herself with it, Spencer had to console herself with just imagining the action.

She was at dinner with her parents, Melissa, and Melissa's new boyfriend of the week. And she was one breath away from snapping.

"And you, Spencer?" Eric, the boyfriend, asked.

Spencer blinked, and loosened her hold on the steak knife, "What?"

Chuckling nervously, Eric repeated the question, "Um, what are your plans for the future?"

"I –" Spencer's answer was cut short by the sound of her phone ringing.

Ignoring her parents' complaints, Spencer checked to see who was calling her, and Hanna's smiling face greeted her. She unconsciously smiled back at the picture, before excusing herself from the table to take the call.

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