Chapter 1

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 Okay so this is the first chapter of my story prince sized crush and i hope it gets as popular as my other story Why do I love you :D Only you can make that happy so...















Flashback (Thirteen years old)

"Jake!!!!!!!!!!!!" i screamed as he spun me around in circles by my waist.

Jake is my bestest friend in the entire world. I wish he was more then my best friend. But of course i know that it would never happen.

"Oh shush Kitkat or your going in the pool!!" He said evily restraining me as i struggled againest him.

"You wouldnt dare!!!!" I said.

He rested his head on my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"Try me" he said.

"JAKE SANTONIO  I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!" I yelled before he picked me up.

He laughed.

"Go ahead i dare you" He said waving me over the water.

"No jake stoppppp!!!!" I whined.

Thats when he threw me in the water. I smiled underwater. As i go to go back up my hair gets caught on the net underwater not letting me go back up. I started tugging and tugging. My air slowly running out. I started panicking. I felt water beginning to fill my lungs. This was it. I was going to die. If i could cry right now i would.

My world became white before me. As if bringing me to a better and more beauitful place.


I saw a bright light and started towards it. In the beauitful white light was a womenly figure just ahead. A beautiful gold dress flowing gracefully behind her. She was beauitful. And I reconized her right away.

"Mom?' I said faintly.

"Kitty" She said with a bright smile.

She turned to leave and i felt bile rise in my throat.

"Mom wait no!!! I want to come with you!!" I said starting to run over to her.

She put her hand up in protest.

"Now honey, there is nothing more i want then for my like Kitty-kat to come and be with me, but you have so much to live for. So many people who care about you, Just like that boy down there" She said looking at the ground.

As if a double way glass floor, I saw Jake holding my lifeless body. Screaming at it to come back to him. His face filled with tears as he pumped my chest doing mouth to mouth.

"But mom-"

"Honey next time if you want to come with me maybe ill let you. But i cant let you do this to yourself. Fight for him Kitty" She said sternly.

Prince sized crush -_- (Under huge construstion!!! Being edited!!)Where stories live. Discover now