Chapter 12

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I sat in the car staring out the window. Playing with my necklace absentlymindIy. I watched as children waited for the bus. The grass ruffling, the trees bending from the wind. In the distance i saw the school. I walked in to the dreaded school that i was hoping i could avoid much longer. But i guess i couldnt. I went to my locker and there was a boy standing next to it.

"Ummmm do i know you?"

"Actually i feel like i know you. Anyway im new and i am actually lost. Im Matt."

And thats when it hit me.

"Matt... Matt... Matt... *gasp* MATTHEW THOMPSAN!!! We were in 2th grade together to the 8th!!!! its me Kittyira!!" i said cheerfully forgetting instantly i hate that name.

"Kittyira...Kittyira...Kittyira... KITTY RAIMARIZ!!! Now i remember oh look at you!! you got..." he stopped.

I smiled. Im pretty sure i was blushing too. He smiled. We had a akward silence for about three mintues and then he broke the silence.

"So anyway can you show me around because ive been the new guy like about four times going on five and too tell you the truth its a bitch" he said confidently.

I laughed.

"Wow dont i know it because i was the new girl about a month ago" i said smiling.

"Small world."

"What happen to you? Last time we talked you were cocky and annoying and didnt have a girl to call his. You hopped from one girl to the next in a minimum of 4 days" i said.

He smiled.

"Well around the time i was 16 i kind of met my match. There was this girl and i started to really like her. I mean REALLY like her and ive never liked any girl before so she was different. After about a 4-5 month i went to visit her to wanted know if she wanted to go to the movies..." he said.

I was really hopeing this wasnt what i thought. But of coruse it was

"And well i think you can guess what happened and she told me that we were nothing special and that i was a fool to think that she would ever love me" he said looking at the floor.

"Bitch..." i mumbled.

He laughed.

"My words exactly" he whispered.

I saw Jake turn the corner and smiled... he was with Onica.

"Hey kitty... On your way to class?" he said the he looked at Matt.

He glared at him.

"Who's this" he said trying to hide his anger.

"Oh this is Matt remember Matthew Thompsan Jake?" i said not really noticeing his angry look.

"Hmmmmm... Matt Matt... Matt.. MATTHEW YES I DO!!! I havent seen you since the 8th grade" Jake said doing the dude hand shake thing with him.

"Man Jake its been a while you havent changed. I guess nothing really has. You and Kitty are still best friends as always" he said not sure of what he said was true.

"Yeah i dont know what i would do without her" he said softly.

I blushed. Ahhhh Jake. You sweet-talker.

"This is Onica" Jake said.

Onica shook his hand them both smileing. I grabbed Onica's hand.

"I have to talk to Onica alone for a second. You too catch up or ... somthing" i said dragging her along.

Prince sized crush -_- (Under huge construstion!!! Being edited!!)Where stories live. Discover now