Chapter 5

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I cannot believe im sitting here kissing Onica's husband to be. I feel so bad. But if i feel so bad why wasnt i stopping myself? He kissed me first so... OH THAT WHAT THEY ALL SAY my mind yells at me. Mean while everything is going through my mind at once. One kiss and he is already driving me freaking crazy. The hand on my neck fell to my waist and pulled me on to him.

Now i was straddling him. Manageing to not break the kiss. The feel on his mouth on mine was a fantastic feeling. His nipped at my bottom lip taking it into his mouth and sucking on it. I moaned inthe back of my throat. He nipped playfully at it asking for entrance. I opened my mouth letting him in and he moaned againest my lips when his tounge touched mine.

He felt his hands on the small of my back so i was completely pressed againest him, chest to chest. My shirt was ridden up a litte so his skin was on mine. I felt his nails graze my skin and i shivered. This was the farthest ive ever gone with a boy as stupid as it sounds. And this has to be the hottest thing thats ever happened.

I bit down on his lip and he groaned. I felt him getting excited underneath me which made me feel like i needed to remove some clothes soon. I dont know how long we were kissing but after a while he pulled away. I looked at him confused. He was enjoying this more then i was. And beileve me ... I was enjoying that.

He smiled. Pulling me over to the side so i was sitting right.

"Well then..." i said failing to hold back a smile.

"I *pant* need *pant* to breathe" he puffed out.

I winked at him and turned my head. Im no boyfriend stealer let alone husband stealer so now i feel bad. At the corner of my eye i saw his head turned away also. I knew that we would never speak of this again. This wasnt fair to me. I mean, why did he have to be getting married? I was about to say something to break the uncomforable silence when the speaker turned that a lady was coming to give us a blanket and pillow.

Good.. I thought. I needed to sleep. Before they gave me a blanket and pillow i felt myself drifting away from reality. I felt something in teh palm of my hand. Jakes hand.


I was with my mom. We were laughing playing. This is how she died. A guy was playing with his kid but she was refuseing to go near him.

He started shakeing her...

Yelling at her....

Hurting her...

My mother couldnt bear it.

"MR. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO THAT LITTLE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My mother yelled.

"Mam this does NOT concern you go away" The man shouted,

The little girl went to my mom and hid behind her. Why was she afird? Wasnt that her daddy? Daddies are suppose to be good to you and love you. Like mine.

"So you think you can take my little girl and get away with it?!?! You son of a bitch!!!" He shouted.

He pulled out a knife and charged at me. I backed up and he pulled it back to kill me. I was going to die. My mother jumped in front of me takeing the knife into her chest. The man panicked dropping the bloody knife on my mothers chest. I held my mother and watched her die. Soon the police pulled up but i bearly noticed.

I was too busy engulfed in the blood seeping through my moms beautiful white sundress.


Prince sized crush -_- (Under huge construstion!!! Being edited!!)Where stories live. Discover now