Chapter 7

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 Okay so jake is in the hosipital and he almost died for kitty so sweet!!!!!


I woke up in a hosipital. I thought i was next to Jake? They must have moved me because  I was in the waiting room. I went to the bathroom and covered my face in water. My mascara looked horrible, my dress was suddenly duller, my eyes were blood shot, my hair was messy. I havent even left the hosipital since Jake's little encounter with a arrow that should have hit me.

It was all my fault!!!! He wouldnt have got hurt if it wasnt for me. I wouldnt be here worrying about him. I wouldnt be angry and scared and happy at the same time. Happy that he didnt die but slightly injured. Sad he now has ashma and now has to quit the football team. Angry at anything that moves!!!!!!

Especially Onica, man do i wanna kill her. I start pacing slowly. A nurse comes out and looks heart broken the mintue our eyes connect. She closes her eyes and reopens them with a tear. She slowly walks over to me. I see Onica Jumping around squealing on the phone of happiness. No one is really around but me.

The nurse reachs me after walking slowly over to me.

"Mam your friend did not respond to the medication and he had just had a heart attack" She said quietly.

I sunk to my knees. My life almost leaving me. No. No. This cant be. This has to be some type of mistake right?

"What does that mean how?" my voice failing to sound normal.

"Well he woke up and asked where you were and his girlfriend or whatever said that youve been sleeping for quite some time now and i think he thought you died because he went into shock and the heart moniter went out of control and it was to late to revive him..." She ramabled her voice cracking.

She must be new. I ran my hands through my hair tears streaming faster the lump my throat grew bigger.

"Im sorry but you friend had just died"  She stated.

I arose from my couch my words working on the own.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" i screamed like a 5 year old, who has a nightmare.

I was on my couch.

In my house. 

Tears streaming down my face my body shaking a little.  I closed my eyes and remembered. Jake was just upstairs. He was alive. And he was in no more pain. And he was alseep. That was what i thought until i heard him come down the stairs.

"Kitkat are you okay?" Jake said holding a bat.

I lost it. I flung myself off the couch into his arms. I clung on to him like static electricity. He tried to pull away to look at me but i wouldnt let go. My parents were on a business trip so i was stuck here for two months with Jake us taking care of each other. He put his hand on the back of my head pressing my face into his chest, stroking the back of it affectionately.

"Shhhhhh Kitty baby what happened?" He said with concern.

I couldnt even talk i opened my mouth and let out a awful sob. Jake layed down on the couch and layed me on his chest. He cradled me he kissed my cheek and put his lips next to my ear.

"What happened" he whispered.

"I-I dreamed that after t-two weeks in the hosipital y-y-ou-"I trailed off.

He took my head and pressed it into his neck. He whispered soothing words to me not helpng my heart from racing. 

"Shhhhhhh Kitkat your fine im fine im not gone i said i wouldnt leave you. Now just stop crying before you get sick and go to sleep" He begged rubbing my back soothingly.

Prince sized crush -_- (Under huge construstion!!! Being edited!!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ