Chapter 8

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 Okay so this is chapter 8. Onica has been accused of murder. Crazy isnt it??!?!?!? I KNOOOOOWWWW RIGHHHTTT!!!?!?!? anyway...


Even though i felt bad for Jake i wanted to laugh. But she was accused of what? MURDER?!? Did she kill that model!?!?! I switched the TV on to see the paramedic's pulling the model into a ambulence. My mouth dropped open. She couldnt have killed her. Onica didnt have enough strength to pin me down at the ball.

She COULDNT have enough strength to kill someone. There must have been something wrong with her. Jake sat there in horror. As much as i hate her and he doesnt want to marry her i feel bad for her. Her finger prints were all over her too so there is no proof she didnt do it. Wait that would mean that Jake wouldnt have to marry her.

Even though i could feel a smile i held it back.

"Jake im sorry" i said my hand still on his cheek.

He slid his hand up up my arm before removing my hand from his cheek slowly before kissing me on the cheek and going upstairs. I feel so bad. I walked into my room and leaned againest the doorframe. He was in front of my window his eyes closed shaking his head. He looked so torn. I walked over to him and put my arms around him.

"Jake dont look like that please" I begged.

"I cant marry her now. And i still have too but i just cant" he said his voice starting to shake slightly.

"Jakie i know your scared i know that but you dont have to hold back you need to tell your mother. I tried changeing the Chanel its the same thing, the murder. So after you show your mother and father that they couldnt possibly make you marry her" I said trying to make him feel better.

"Yes they will. There has been rumors shes cheated on me. Even though she hasnt because she doesnt have the guts too. There been rumors of golddigging and they still make me nothing changes" He said shaking his head.


"No... Its okay, just i need a mintue" He whispered.

I nodded and felt kind of hurt. He just pushed me away. But its fine. I went downstairs and went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and my nose was red and my eyes were glassy. I looked sick. But i knew i wasnt. I go to open the door and it was jammed. All of the sudden i felt a little dizzy. A look in the corner to see a pipe busted gushing some type of gas.

I suddenly couldnt breathe. I fell to the floor. I started banging on the door. My knocks growing lighter and lighter.

"KITKAT!?!?!" Jake yelled picked at the door banging from the other side.

"Jakkkke Helpppp M-" i failed to finish because i backed up to the wall and slid to the ground.

The last thing i heard before i either died or past out was a door slam open and a screech of pain.


I woke up on the steps of my house wrapped in Jakes arms and a blanket. Yes i didnt die!!!! My eyes fluttered open and my hand automatically shot to my head. There were policemen and fireman and a abulance here. What the hell happened?? How come i couldnt remember. Jake saw my face alive and squeezed my body into him.

"Oh my god Kitkat please stop scareing me like that your going to kill me!!!" He said kissing my forehead

I hugged him back knowing he cared. I dont even remembered what happened. His face doing a slam dunk into my hair. His hands rubbing my back.

Prince sized crush -_- (Under huge construstion!!! Being edited!!)Where stories live. Discover now