Chapter 17

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Okay, so i realize some of you hate Jake right now. Some of you may even hate Kitty. i honestly and mad at Jake, because he seemed to have gotten over her extremely quick. And he did do this out of spite. It was a jackass thing taking someone virginity and giving up yours out of spite. I know I know...

I wrote it that way and yes i know hate my own character for now....

Just stay put!!!!!!!!!!!

Jake's P.O.V from when Kitty took the necklace and threw it at him.


"Dont Jake" she cried ripping the necklace i gave to her so many years ago and chucked at my feet.

"KITTY!!!!" I yelled after her.

But it was to late. She was already gone. I bent down wincing at the soreness in my side when i bumped into the door on the way to chase her. A cute little kitten wearing a crown. It resembled what i always thought of her as. My cute little princess. Suddenly i felt anger surge through me. I mean why should she care?

This was my fiancee. I had the right. The wedding was in just a few months. And she clearly said that she didnt want to be that way with me. So why did she care? And why did she come here anyway? As i walked back to the house slowly, clutching the necklace firmly in my hand, i started to think.

I took Onica's virginity. And she took mine. And i didnt even love her.

Not as much as kitty

I facepalmed myself. God why wont this stupid, stubborn, head-strong, gorgeous, sweet, selfless, lov- AHHHHH STOP IT JAKE. I felt horrible. Sure it was great, and i would remeber that for the rest of rest of my life, but was it really worth it? The anger and fustration and hurt i held... was it worth it? Was it worth the look on Kitty's face?

The horror and hurt on her face. I havent seen her so skaken up like that since her mom died, besides her dad i was the first one she told, not Melanie or Jasmine. Or when i was there when she had her first dream about her mom. I felt more anger surge through me. But it wasnt towards Kitty. It was towards myself. Did i really unintentionally do this out of spite?

I was ashamed of myself at this point. Then two questions struck me. Like it really struck me. Why did she come here? And where did she go?

Matt My mind taunted.

Matt. God i couldnt stand him. He was a no good player who killed mine and Kitty's friendship. Even though i did most of it he was the freaking topping on the cake. Back in middle school he hurt so many girls. I know we were to young to be having sex, but i guess he had power over people. Kitty and i always hated him.

He hit on her about three times a day, and once i realized how much i liked her, i realized how much he REALLY irritated me. And now he's back and hes gonna break her heart. Hes probaly out screwing her right now. And i wont be there when she comes crying. I'll be with my fiancee.

Kitty's P.O.V

"Kitty im really sorry i was just caught up in the moment" Matt apologized through the phone.

"Its fine Matt" I said blanky.

I have really been out of it. Its like Jake was my rock. And now im just kind of done.

"You say that but i dont really know if you beileve me" Matt said with what i imagine a frown.

"Look matt i-"

And as if on que the doorbell rang. I silently thanked it.

"Look there is someone at the door ill talk to you later" I said hanging up before he could say anything.

Prince sized crush -_- (Under huge construstion!!! Being edited!!)Where stories live. Discover now