Chapter 13

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Matt was talking about me...

The insanely pretty, smart, and down-to-earth girl he was talking about was me...


I looked around and i was by myself. Maybe he sent it too the wrong person. Yea t-thats it. That had to be it. I put my phone away. That's when Jake saw me and smiled. He headed over to me.

"Hey Kitkat ready to go?" he said cheerfully.

"Y-yeah im good" i said nervously.

Jake grabbed my arm and spun me around looking me dead in the eye.

"Okay fess up. What's wrong?" he said sure of himself.

"Nothing is wrong" i said.

"Kitkat ive for as long as i known you i know that you stutter or wont look me in the eye when you lie so whats up" he said sitting on a bench and patting the seat next to him.

I rolled my eyes and sat down. We looked at each other for about thirty seconds before i gave in and handed him my phone. He raised an eyebrow and looked at it. Once he looked at what i was talking about his smile and eyebrow dropped. He looked at my phone for a long time as if to read it over and over again to absorb this.

"He asked you out" he said more of a statement then a question.

"I think i got that" i hissed.

"Well what are you going to say" he whispered ignoreing my comment.

"I dont know" i whispered back.

"I think you should say no" he said angerily but none of it towards me.

"Why?" i asked offended.

"Because he was a ultra player when we were kids. He started banging girls in the 7th grade. I dont want him or his dick near you" he hissed.

"Hes changed i can tell!! And plus you cant tell me who to date, ecpescailly since you made it loud and clear you couldnt have me. Why kind of best friend are you, they dont do that"  I yelled.

He took my arm and yanked me into him. He put his lips so close to my ear i feel his breath on my neck.

"Babe you know very well we are more then best friends" he growled/whispered.

I pulled away getting up to look at him on last time.

"Look jake. I love you with everything i have. But i cant sit around and wait for Onica to die or divorce you or your parents to stop being so controling or something. i have to move on. Its just going to put us each in a lot of pain. I can take care of myself. But if your going to act like the possecive bastard your acting like now, for something thats not your i may add, then please just l-leave me alone Jake" i said taking off across the feild.

"WAIT KITTY!!!" Jake called after me.

I ran as fast as i can. i didnt know where i was going. I was just trying to get the fuck out of here. The air suddenly was so thin. I just told my first love to step out of my life. Even though he had one foot in one foot out, it still hurt. i never knew it would be this hard to just get out of his life. I love him so much. But i couldnt just sit around.

I took out my phone.

Yes <3

Instead of me feeling lighter, i feel like my heart just become ten pounds heaveir. I realized that it was my heart breaking.

Gud!!!!! Thanks so much!!! ill pic U ^^^ @ 8 <3 C U then

I smiled. He was sweet. I feel like a slut. This is too soon.

 Okay so it was saturday and i have nothing to wear. This week was Epic. I have detention for fighting with Jennifer. Why must she be so bitchy? Anyway. I need to go shop- I FOUND IT!!!! ITS ALIVE!!!! Sorry that was creepy. Anyway i got a pear of black skinny jeans with a shirt that said too ' 2 Skool 4 cool' I brushed my hair making sure it was calm.

My mom and dad were finally back so they were probaly in the den. Im talking to my step mother again. I have no choice. I walked down the stairs. And my step mother was at the table. She turned around to only have tears in her eyes.

"Baby you look gorgeous!!!!" she cooed.

I blushed. I guess i have gotten prettier over the years. Im still not talking to Jake. He tried to talk to me but i didnt want to hear it. It's been almost a week. I didnt want to look at his face. I knew i would give in. I want him to know im not playing around. But im going to be honest. I miss him. A LOT!!!! I need him in my life.

A tear escaped my eye as i thought about Jake. I miss him so much. Thats when the doorbell rang.

"Honey ill get it" my step mother said.

She opened the door to see Matt standing there, with a rose.

"Hello Mrs. Raimariz, Im here for Kitty and may i say you look nice today" he said charmingly.

"Oh well thank you, Kitty!!!" my step mother called.

I walked out and his jaw dropped.

"Kitty you look..." he didnt even finish.

He handed me the rose and i blushed. Im such a boy crazed teenage girl i thought. Thats when ny dad walked out. This should be interesting...

"So your Matt Thompsan? Why have i heard that name before" my dad said suspiously.

"Kitty and i were in Jr. high together you may know me as Matthew Thompsan sir" he said shaking his hand.

"Matthew Thompsan? As in the Matthew Thompsan that hit on my daughter 12 times a day when she was in the 8th grade, that Matthew Thompsan?" his face turning red with anger.

Matt looked down. Fine grr ill save him.

"Dad Matt is a much better person now. The school slut threw herself at him and he looked away" i said annoyed.

 "Is that right? Job?"

"Yes sir."


"No sir."


"No sir."

"STD check?"

"Nothing going to happen dad" i hissed.

"Okay fine then. Wait i though you were together with that Santiago boy?" my dad said a glisten of hope in his eyes.

My heart sunk. I want that so badly.

"Jake? I thought you too were just friends?" Matt said clenching his jaw hideing his anger.

"We are. Dad i have no idea what your talking about. Jake is my best friend, we were never going out" i lied, and supriseingly good at it.

The last of his hope died and he sighed.

"Remember Matt, My daughter is 16, so if anything happens to her... i swear on my life i will castrate you" my dad growled.

"DADDY!!!!" i hissed.

"Okay okay have fun" he said glareing at Matt.

"But not to much fun" he hisses.

"Dont worry Mr. Raimariz, Ill take good care of Kitty she'll return how she came, and hopefully happier" he said taking my hand.

We wave good bye to my parents and hope for the best.

 But who knew my perfect date wouldnt be perfect without knowing i still had Jake...

Sorry i was like SOOOOO late with this chapter dont hate me!!!! Okay so VOTE COMMENT FAN LIKE TWEET<3333333 ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Team Matt or Team Jake?

TEAM JAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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