Chapter 15

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Okay so in da last chapter Jake went intp da hosipital and Kitty broke up her "interesting" relationship with Matt... Speaking of Kitty its in her P.O.V


When i pulled away i slapped him and he looked confused.


"Kitkat..." he said slightly ashamed of himself.

I felt angry tears in my eyes.

"You could have died. It could have been to late. Were you trying to die? Do you know what that would do to people?" I asked.

He stayed silent.

"Jake if you would have died my world would crash in front of my fucking eyes" I said not bothering to try and steady my voice.

"You did pretty well without me without for three years or the last two months" he said quietly.

"Jake, i was a absoulte mess for the first two years. And for the last two months there was nothing on my mind other then you so cut the crap" I said angirly.

"You didnt look like it with Matt" he said sarcastically.

"Matt and i broke up... well didnt exactly break up... i didnt even know what we were... but im not seeing him around anymore" I yelled.

"Kitty why havent you called me?" he asked sadly.

He never calls me Kitty. I frowned.

"Why havent you called me?" I asked my voice strained sitting down in a hosipital chair next to his bed.

"I wanted to give you time to cool down, and to stop being mad at me. Im sorry Kitkat" he said his eyes teary and tired.

Then something hit me. Did he do this... because of me?

"Jake why did you do this?" I asked softly.

Not wanting to upset him by yelling anymore.

"I didnt realize i was doing it" he said quietly.

"Jake you should sleep" I whined.

"NO!!! i havent talked to you in forever. I want to talk to you" He pouted.

"We can talk after you sleep" I said sternly.

"Ugh fine" He whined.

Suddenly the front door opened and Onica appeared.

"Can i talk to him now?" she asked quietly.

I turned to him but he was dead asleep.

"He's asleep" I frowned.

"Okay i'll go get lunch bring him some and come bac and hope he's awake" She smiled sadly closing the door.

I stared at the door for a long time before i spoke.

"Maybe you should have talked to her Jake" I said turning to the fake sleeping Jake.

"You told me to sleep" He smirked sitting up.

"Then go to sleep before i punch you to sleep" I smiled sweetly.

He layed back and smiled.

"Ahhh i missed you Kitkat" He said closing his eyes.

"Yea... you to Jakie" I said quietly.

"I hate you" Jake yelled.

"Jake please stop im sorry IM SORRY!!!" I yelled trying to grab his arm.

"Get the hell off me Kitty im done leave me alone" He yelled yanking out of my grip.

"Please Jake dont leave me i want you I NEED YOU!!" I sobbed.

"I dont care get the hell off me" He screamed before stopping in the street just as a out of control bus rolled down the street.

Blood splattered across my face as i watched the love of my life die in my face. And he died saying he hated me. I started shaking violently.

I woke up and my hands went over my mouth to stop the screams and sobs from escapeing my lips, still shaking. Jake grabbed my body and threw his arms around me. Was he awake this whole time?

"Shhhhhh Kitty what happen?" he said in to my ear.

"H-how long have you been awake?" I asked my voice quivering.

"A while, you started talking in your sleep so i shook you and are you okay you look like you've seen a ghost" He said concerned.

"I would have been better off" I sobbed.

He lifted me from the chair and onto the hosipital bed with him. Meanwhile he was still in the bed. Did he get stronger? He pressed my face into his chest. Whispering soothing words to me.

"Nightmare?" He asked.

"Mhmm" I sobbed.

"Was it about that that day at the pool or about that day at the um park?" He asked his voice pained slightly.

He knew i hated that day in the park. The day my mom died. More like murdered.

"No and no" I whispered taking deep breathes to calm down.

"Then what?" he asked rocking me back and forth.

I looked at my watch and it said 6:00 A.M. Why the hell am I here?

"Why am i still here? Wouldnt they have kicked me out?" I asked.

"These are the times i love being a prince" He whispered.

I smiled.

"So what was the dream about" he asked again.

"You" I said bluntly.

"So you dream about me?" He smirked.

"Shut up" I mumbled againest his chest.

"Seriously what about me?" He said his face suddenly serious again.

"Jake It was just..." I trailed off purseing my lips together.

"Just dont leave me Jake. Dont do anything like this again" I begged him.

"You have my word Kitkat. What happened though?" He asked.

I explained what happened to him and by the time I was done i was in tears. Jake cradled my body as i felt his hot lips press againest my forehead sending arouseing shocks through me. Damn it was just one kiss. It wasnt even a direct kiss. Did i really miss him this much? Could this become a problem for me? Of course it will.

"Jake i think that i should get off you before your fiance walks in" I smiled sadly.

When I moved to get up his arms tightened around me.

"Jake!!!!" I whined.

"No Kitty" He groaned buring his face in my neck.

I fake pouted and forced tears out my eyes. Hey, I dont only major in singing and danceing, acting has done well for me too. He took one look at my face and his eyes widened and he automatcially let go. I couldnt stop the giggleing fit that burst from my mouth.

"Kitty your a wonder to me sometimes" He laughed kissing my forehead.

But we froze in place when we heard what we heard.

Camera's flashing everywhere. Damn were screwed.

Okay i know the uploads are slow for this but im losing intreset but i know i wont delete this so dont worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








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