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Hades had entertained Z's ruthless schemes before. There had been many; from the childish games designed to make Hades look like the villain, to constantly denying Hades's requests for visitation rights to Olympus. Z had become creative in his responses over the years, so Hades knew his brother would try to coerce Lexi into joining him in Olympus; the promise of her own palace, unlimited access to her family, a flying horse with matching chariot. But this he had not foreseen.

Did Z believe inviting Clary to spend the weekend in Lexi's family home would tempt him into bed with her? They had not seen each other since she left the underworld. Over thirty mortal years ago. Or was Z counting on Lexi's jealousy to do the work for him? Hades knew Lexi was not easily fooled, and Z knew this too. Surely, she was interpreting this surprise invitation as a dirty trick perpetrated by her imperious father.

As they reached the entrance of the estate, the doors swung open, and Lexi's brother, Dion, greeted them with a smirk and a flip of his overly-groomed bangs. "If it isn't the lovebirds. Remember, this ain't an orgy."

Lexi threw her arms around Dion's neck, giving him no chance for a follow-up. "Shut up, Dion, before I tell everyone how many times I've beaten you at croquet." She turned and gestured to the small group of gods standing behind her. "I brought you some gods to annoy."

Dion greeted Z and Mnemosyne with a familiar wave, but when his eyes landed on Clary, his Adam's apple dropped, and he attempted twice to swallow past it. "Hey."

"Hello, Dion. It's good to see you again," Mnemosyne said, grinning as she picked up on Dion's quandary. "I believe you have never met my daughter. This is Clary."

Clary lowered into a half curtsy and inclined her head politely, a gesture Hades remembered well. Her grace as a goddess was only surpassed by her... Well, Hades remembered her grace clearly. "It is lovely to meet you, Dion. I have heard good things about you and your family, and I am very much looking forward to our visit."

Once Dion had collected himself, which took another two swallows, he welcomed them into the estate, and Lexi's parents, Lilith and Charles, were quick to greet them. When everyone had hugged and kissed and told each other how wonderful they looked, Lexi grabbed Hades's hand and hauled him across the great room.

"I'm going out to see Jackie O," she announced. "Don't hold up drink service for us."

The room turned deathly quiet, and Lexi stopped in her tracks, yanking Hades to a stop with her as she surveyed the frozen faces of her family. "What gives? Why is everyone so quiet all of a sudden?"

"Sweetheart, Jackie O has..." Lilith's voice faltered, and Lexi squeezed Hades's fingers as she stiffened next to him. "Well, she has not been herself since you left. I wish we had been able to communicate with you, but..." She shot Z a harsh glare. "I know it's difficult under the circumstances."

"What's wrong with Jackie O? Is she here? Is she at the hospital?" Lexi glanced through the back door, looking ready to bolt.

"We think she's lamenting the loss of her best friend. She hasn't been eating. She doesn't want to leave her stall. The vet has given her IV fluids, but she only responds for a short time before..."

Lexi let go of Hades's hand and ran to the sliding glass door, muscling it open and bolting toward the stable. After politely excusing himself, Hades followed on her heels. He knew how much Jackie O meant to her. Lexi spent time with his horses every day, telling them about her best friend back home. Neither of them expected the feeling of loss to be mutual. Or, perhaps, it was only he who had not expected it.

It didn't take much for Hades to catch up to Lexi, and they entered the stable together. "Where is she?" Lexi gasped as she raced for Jackie O's stall, swinging the gate wide, and tears started flowing as she dropped to embrace Jackie O where she lay in the straw. The horse's body was emaciated, withered to skin and bones, and it seemed to take all her strength to whinny at the sight of Lexi.

Lexi's  FateUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum