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"You look radiant tonight, Lexi. That dress compliments your complexion perfectly." 

Persephone greeted Lexi with a smile and a gracious gesture toward the chair opposite her. Lexi obliged, trying not to suspect Persephone's overt kindness as a ruse. Did Persephone believe Hades had induced Lexi's radiant complexion? Was her friendly smile merely a veil to hide her true feelings of bitter jealousy? If so, she was damn good at hiding it.

"Thank you. You look radiant, as well, my queen."

"That's because she is significantly pregnant," Hecate said as she reached across the table for a dinner roll. Hecate's hair was done up in its usual braided bun, but tonight she had fastened the twists with sprigs of rosemary from the enormous plants growing in her front yard. Hecate would never admit to it, but Lexi suspected she didn't appreciate having her lovely garden covered in snow.

"How is our young patient?" Lexi asked Hecate as the matronly goddess dipped her roll in honey.

"His wound is healing well, but his spirits are understandably low. I gave him a sedative and left him in the care of a nymph from the neighboring forest. She is familiar with the minotaur herd in that area. I believe she will help facilitate a conversation so we may reintroduce him."

"Oh, that's a relief. Do you suppose he will be raised by another female?"

"Most likely. He is sure to have a relative among the herd. In fact, if you had left him where he was, they would have returned for him."

Lexi bit her lip as she glanced down at her plate, which had already been filled with basil and goat cheese ravioli and smelled delicious. "Do you think Sella and I should have left him?"

"I believe you saved him from bleeding to death. Do not doubt your instincts, Lexi. They are your best compass and will lead you down the right path, even if the result is less than optimal. When we have stepped in enough manure, we eventually learn how to avoid it."

"More words of wisdom from the goddess who prescribes tinctures made from centaur piss," Kade said around a mouthful of food. "Don't tell her you have a rash on your ass."

"Watch your tongue, Kade, or you might find yourself molting the next time you try to use those wings you're so proud of," Hecate shot back.

Kade shrugged his indifference but said nothing more, and Persephone took over the conversation. "So, Lexi, I understand you are planning to visit Olympus to petition a cessation of the winter minotaur hunt."

Lexi lowered her fork just as she was about to take a bite of ravioli, glancing briefly at Hades. He made no effort to look up from the glass of wine in his hand. "Yes, I suppose I am."

"You suppose? You do not sound too sure of yourself," she said. "I suggest you prepare a good argument before you stand in front of Zeus. I am sure you're aware, he can be a tough god to reason with, as are many of them."

"I actually just made the decision a couple of hours ago, so I haven't given it much thought yet."

"Hmm, and did you make the decision in the throes of anger? In my experience, making important decisions when one is under the influence of strong emotions tends to lead us, as Hecate put it so eloquently, down a path littered with manure. Why don't you sleep on it and see if you feel the same in the morning?"

Persephone offered a respectful smile then turned her attention to her ravioli. Conversation appeared to be unnecessary after Persephone made her point, and Lexi had great difficulty enjoying her dinner under the crushing silence. By the end of the meal, Lexi felt like she had eaten one of the moss-covered stones from the bridge. Hades walked Persephone to her room, giving Lexi no clue as to whether she would see him again that evening, so she disappeared into an abandoned hallway to mull over her hasty decision. Had she acted irrationally out of anger, or was she simply reacting to something she felt passionate about? Was Persephone's speech an attempt to talk her out of going to Olympus? Why would she do that? Maybe she was exhibiting those powers of persuasion Hecate warned her about. Or maybe Hades had put her up to it.

Lexi's  FateWhere stories live. Discover now