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Lexi smiled as she followed the nymph toward the grand dining hall. Seeing Hades' face through the mirror had buoyed her spirit. He was impossibly handsome, with eyes that resonated passion, like they could see the desires of her heart, and his silky, chestnut hair, which tended to ruffle in one spot, giving him a boyish look. She loved everything about him, even his vulnerable side. Despite Hades' position as supreme ruler of the underworld and the fact that he could lift a nine hundred pound horse to get her to safety, it was his unapologetic nature that endeared her most. He was not above letting her see his weaknesses.

Distracted by her musings, Lexi was temporarily blinded as the nymph opened a set of double doors, exposing her to a brilliantly lit hall and reminding her she was about to dine with the gods of Olympus. Before she had a chance to get her bearings, Kade rushed over, greeting her with a charming smile.

"You look flushed," he said. "Did you have to run to get here before the bell?"

Embarrassed by his observation, Lexi felt her cheeks heat up. "Oh, no. I was talking with... I'm probably just nervous."

"You? Nervous? Don't worry. These gods are your family. Forget everything you have ever read about them and just have fun with it."

He slid his arm through hers and led her toward the table where a dozen gods were taking their seats. She glanced at each face, trying to decide who was who. Zeus and Poseidon she knew, as well as Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, Dionysus and Apollo. She recognized a couple faces from parties her parents threw when she was growing up, but she had known them by other names. One in particular was Philip, the lawyer from South Africa. What role did he play in Olympus? She didn't see Mnemosyne, but that didn't surprise her. Hera was surely among the goddesses in attendance, and she probably didn't appreciate being surrounded by too many of Zeus' consorts. Lexi wondered what holiday gatherings were like at the palace.

"Sit here, Lexi." Kade pulled a chair out for her then quickly dropped into the seat next to her just as a bell sounded. "Whew. Not a moment too soon. I am not usually invited to dine with the gods, but I know they are sticklers for punctuality."

The door opened and a young god of about eighteen rushed through it, sliding to a stop next to Philip's chair. "Sorry, I'm late" he said as he hefted his seat away from the table and slumped into it. "I forgot what day it was."

Philip raised his brows as he offered the boy a silent reprimand, but before the tension could mount, a parade of nymphs walked into the room carrying trays laden with food. Although Lexi wanted to ask Kade who the boy was, she didn't want to be rude, as none of the other gods spoke while the nymphs placed platters and bowls of fragrant delicacies onto the table. There were several types of meat, a colorful array of vegetables, two platters of fresh fruit, one with a watermelon cut into the shape of a whale, and baskets overflowing with bread. Several bottles of wine were set out, as well as gold embossed pitchers. Lexi hoped the pitchers were filled with water, as her mouth was getting dryer by the minute. It may have been nerves doing it, but the more likely cause was Poseidon, who had not taken his eyes off her since she sat down. 

As the nymphs began filling goblets, Zeus stood and spoke to the assembled crowd. "Another blessed day is nearly gone from us, and I am grateful we are all here to feast in the company of friends. I want to welcome to the table my nephew, Kade, my great grandson, Jules, and my daughter, Lexi." Before Lexi could feel the embarrassment of the faces turning to stare at her, Zeus gestured toward the goddess sitting at the other end of the table. Her voluptuous figure and cherry red cheeks gave her the look of a woman raised on a very rich diet. "I especially want to thank my lovely wife, Hera, for forgiving my faults and my foolishness. You honor the house of the gods, my dear."

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