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Lexi hoped Hades had not heard her hiccup. She didn't want him to think she was drunk. Was she drunk? Ambrosia didn't produce the same effect as regular alcohol. She felt like she could do or say anything without retribution, like the world revolved around her and she commanded it. So, ambrosia was like alcohol.

Poseidon gave Lexi zero time to wander the halls, cornering her as soon as she left the scrying mirror. "I trust your conversation with Hades went well," he said. "How did he take the news about the council's verdict?"

"He encouraged me to keep trying, which I already planned to do. If I get into their faces enough, I should be able to wear them down."

A smile tweaked Poseidon's lips. "That plan could backfire on you. The council may continue to vote against just to have you return to the meetings. You were quite dynamic today, and you shine with the radiance of a thousand stars. Are you not aware that many of the gods wish to claim you as their consort, Lexi?"

"I am aware, and I have made it clear to Zeus that I am not interested in consorting with anyone but Hades, so he can relay that message at the next council meeting." Lexi felt claustrophobic in the hallway where Poseidon had pinned her, and it didn't help that his eyes were pretty damn radiant. "Why don't we hit the banquet table? I'm hungry after that ride on the beach."

"Of course. I have been eager to introduce you to the delicacies created by the skilled hands of my kitchen staff. I believe you will find them even more tempting than what they serve at the palace of the gods."

Lexi walked toward the noise of the party as Poseidon spoke, pretending not to see the arm he extended. She felt guilty for avoiding his polite gestures, but this was self-preservation. Lexi only had herself to rely on since Kade was lost to a room full of goddesses. When they reached the banquet table, Lexi started filling a plate, and every time she set an item on it, Poseidon placed a duplicate next to it. When she added a hunk of gooey cheese, he drizzled a spoonful of honey over it. The game continued until her plate was full, after which he led her to an unoccupied couch. The aquamarine upholstery matched his eyes perfectly, although it was probably intended to match the sea.

"You have to try the goat's milk cheese," he said as he scooped up a mound of cheese with a spoon. "But first, close your eyes."

"Why? So you can sneak something else onto the spoon? I may be young, but I'm not clueless."

"No. The intent is to cut off your sense of sight, allowing you to focus on the sense of taste. One of the purposes of an orgy is to indulge the senses. I'm just trying to facilitate that for you. Have some faith in me."

Although her brain warned her to stay wary, Lexi couldn't argue against his logic. She and Hades had played the same game, although she had been tasting something altogether different than cheese. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth, allowing Poseidon to fill it. Despite the fact that all her senses were reeling—the musicians plinking out a lively tune, the savory smells coming off the banquet table, the warmth of the room enveloping her like a sweater—her mouth took center stage as the salty flavor of cheese combined with the sugary sweetness of honey, all spreading over her tongue in a sumptuous explosion. When the last remnants had slipped down her throat, she opened her eyes to find Poseidon grinning at her, looking altogether too devious.

"I take it you enjoyed the cheese?"

"Yes. It was divine."

"I'm so glad. We take pride in our goats. They are fed a specific diet to produce the finest cheese you will taste anywhere. Now, it is my turn." He handed her the spoon and pointed at the cheese on her plate.

Lexi's  FateWhere stories live. Discover now