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Lexi rarely got nervous before a debate. She had grown to love the adrenaline rush of speaking in front of an audience and telling them what's what. Today, however, she woke up with a beehive in her belly, and it buzzed incessantly as she prepared for the council meeting. A room full of gods was a much bigger deal than a room full of stiff-lipped preppies. She also appeared to be suffering from a slight hangover, which she blamed on the ambrosia.

The tour of Poseidon's palace turned out to be more pleasant than Lexi expected, although he tended to stand too close and took every opportunity to hold her in the spotlight of his blue eyes. Still, she counted the unplanned detour as a win. Had she refused Poseidon's offer, she would not have learned of his fierce attachment to all living things, both under the sea and on land, which gave her hope that he would cast his vote in her favor.

Breakfast was taken in silence again, which Lexi was grateful for, and Poseidon was not there to make her feel self-conscious. Afterwards, Zeus escorted her to the meeting room. He was dressed in a red robe with a gold sash draped over one shoulder, and his beard had been neatly trimmed and combed. No doubt he'd been pampered by a harem of nymphs. Was that lavender aftershave?

"I hope you aren't too nervous," he said, patting her hand condescendingly, a gesture she'd gotten used to. "You know half the gods on the council already, and most of them are fair and just."

"Like you?" Lexi grinned at him, trying to reassure herself that Zeus was her ally, whether or not he agreed with her argument.

"Yes, like me. No matter what the outcome, I want you to know how proud I am of you, Lexi. You have matured into a bright, capable female. While I do not agree with your ill-considered venture to follow Hades to the underworld, I feel you have made great strides in embracing your duties as a goddess."

She took a moment to look into his steely eyes, picturing Zeus as her gruff but lovable Uncle Z. He had always been good at mixing compliments into his lectures. "Thanks, I appreciate that. I know we have our differences, but I think our similarities are what keep us honest with each other, especially when it's a fault."

Zeus treated her to a grin, something he typically reserved for special occasions. "And you are one of the few gods I will let get away with that comment."

The hallway they were traveling suddenly filled with the salty tang of ocean spray, and Lexi felt Poseidon's presence behind her even before he spoke. "Good morning. How is everyone feeling today?"

Zeus turned and greeted Poseidon with a hearty handshake. "Ah, my brother. You look rested. I hope that means you are ready to take on the challenges of a council meeting and an orgy all in one go."

"I am looking forward to both." Poseidon flashed Lexi a dashing smile, not far off the one Hades' used when he felt particularly playful. Like Zeus, Poseidon had donned an identical red robe, which hugged the contours of his chest in a very distracting way, but all Lexi could think of was the shiny blood of the minotaurs, and she used it as a catalyst for her impending argument.

The sun illuminated the meeting room in such a way that a saintly glow was cast over the gods as they seated themselves around a long table. Each god wore the same red robe as Zeus and Poseidon, but Lexi changed the imagery from bloody robes to boarding school uniforms. She was simply facing a group of rich preppies. Lexi walked to the table, where a pair of nymphs flitted up with pitchers and goblets. She hoped the pitchers contained water and not ambrosia.

"You look like you could use something to quench your thirst." Poseidon's voice boomed over Lexi's head, startling her. Did he even have an inside voice? She watched as he poured liquid into a goblet and handed it to her. "I would hate to see you faint during your oration. It has happened before."

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