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Guilt welled up inside Hades as he stared at Kade's kill draped across the front of his horse. He was quite aware of the long tradition of bagging a minotaur as an offering to the gods of Olympus, and there was a time when he would off two and keep one for himself, but Clary had pointed out the flaws of such a practice, causing him to abandon his bow and arrow. Now he would have to face Lexi's judgement.

Hades also worried there would be repercussions for having taken down what appeared to be a herd leader, based on the tattoo on the minotaur's shoulder. Kade should have been paying attention to the animal he was aiming at, and for this oversight it would likely be Hades paying the price. Had he gone soft after eons of pandering to the desperate souls who crossed through his gates? Did he choose to accompany Kade only to prove his masculinity? Surely, this was no way for the god of the underworld to behave.

When he and Kade arrived at the palace, they made for the hunting shed behind the stable. Hades helped Kade field dress the minotaur and hang him to bleed out, immersing themselves in the harsh bite of musk from the sweat-infused hide and the metallic tang of blood. Strangely, the smell of death made him feel more alive, and he stood in front of the carcass to admire their handiwork.

"He's a fine specimen, Kade. Will you trade the pelt or keep it for yourself?"

Kade brushed his hand over the course fur as he inspected it. "It is not in the best shape. This fellow probably had a nasty temper. He fought more than a few battles. I am happy to leave it with you, if you're interested."

A chuckle escaped Hades before he intended it to, but he didn't try to cover it. "I think I would be skinned alive if Lexi saw it."

Kade joined in his amusement, slapping Hades' arm with a blood-soaked hand. "If you're not careful, you're going to be pussy whipped. I believe that is the term my mortal friends use. It means..."

"I know what it means, and I am not there yet."

A pair of horses rounded the corner, interrupting what may have been a thorny topic. Lexi and Sella sat atop the mares, and neither of them looked pleased, but it was Lexi's hard scowl that had Hades' buttocks clenching.

"You!" Lexi growled as she climbed from her horse and handed the reins to Sella. Hades didn't know which of them she was growling at, and he made an effort not to back away as she stomped toward them, her fists balled at her sides. It was not a good sign, especially now that he knew what she could do with those fists.

"You insensitive, reckless, delinquent fathead!" Her eyes bored into Kade as she lashed out in a tirade of curses. Hades forced back a grin. He found her rants endearing, especially when the rant was directed elsewhere. "Do you have any idea what you have done?"

"Of course, I do," Kade replied, matching her threatening stance with the one he'd perfected. "I have bagged one helluva minotaur. The palace gods will be feasting on him well into winter and toasting me at the head of their table."

Lexi's jaw hardened and, for a split second, Hades saw the fire of his hotheaded brother flare behind her eyes. "Well, that minotaur hanging by his ankles over there was the father to a young son, and there is no mother to care for him. So, while you are being toasted by your precious gods, maybe you can find it in your frigid heart to honor the orphan who was left to die. One of your arrows nearly killed him, too. We found it in his arm when Sella and I rescued him."

"So, that's where the other arrow landed." Kade lifted his eyebrows as he met her fierce gaze.

Kade's daring did not impress Lexi, and Hades gave himself permission to step back as sparks flew from her fingers. She raised her hands, directing them toward the stone wall that separated the palace from the gorge, and unleashed a pair of lightning bolts. As they met the barrier, jets of fire exploded, scorching black trails across the stones.

"Mark my words, I will see to it that this heinous practice is stopped!" Lexi continued to aim her tirade at Kade, but she kept her hands lowered.

"You will have to take that up with the council of the gods," Kade said. "They are the ones in charge of hunting practices."

"But this is Hades' domain, not theirs."

"Yes, but it was they who enacted the law that minotaurs could only be hunted in the underworld," Kade explained. "Therefore, they are the gods you should be aiming your lightning at, not us."

Lexi made a valiant attempt to maintain her fury, but it was clear Kade had dealt her a blow. Hades wanted to reach out to her, to quell her angst with a heartfelt embrace, a kind word, an apology. But those desires stemmed from his own needs, not hers. Lexi was no damsel. She proved this to him daily. Her eyes narrowed as she straightened her shoulders resolutely, directing her words at both of them.

"Then I will just have to pay the council a visit."


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