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Inside the stable, the scents of hay competed with baked brie as everyone huddled around the make-shift buffet table. The topic of conversation had been Jackie O and the fact that she already looked better in the short time Lexi had been home. Lexi noticed this too. She also noticed Zeus giving a wide berth to Hades. Neither had a said a word to each other, but that didn't stop Zeus from chatting-up Lexi like everything was perfectly normal, and since she was not in the mood to argue, she listened to him talk as he watched her brush Jackie O's coat.

"Olympus has many wonderful apothecaries. The medicinals we grow are far superior to those found here," he explained importantly. "I'm sure they would be helpful in resorting your horse's health. I can have a courier send them straight away."

Lexi offered a noncommittal shrug. She was still trying to see Zeus as the man she had grown up calling Uncle Z rather than the man her mom was screwing on the sly. It was a birthday present she would never forget. "Unless you know of a medicine with instant healing properties, I will stick to getting her fattened up and using her muscles again."

"If you ask me, all she needed was to see you. I know how she feels. I, myself, miss your presence when we are apart." Zeus smiled pathetically, but she wasn't buying it.

"I have only been gone three months. You and I have been apart longer than that."

"Yes, but now I know I cannot visit you anytime I wish. That's a bitter pill to swallow, especially for a father who enjoys spending time with his daughter."

Lexi didn't even try to hide the smirk. She had only been home an hour and he was already laying on the guilt. "You can visit me in the underworld any time you want. And, as I recall, you were perfectly willing to let me believe I was your goddaughter and not your real daughter until eternity. The only reason I know the truth is by accident."

"That has nothing to do with my feelings for you, Lexi. I have always loved you like my own offspring, regardless of your knowledge of such. Have your powers strengthened since we last saw each other?"

A subject change, hmm? That suited Lexi just fine. "I think so. I can command the air to help me lift heavy objects. Sometimes it pops up unintentionally and I end up cleaning messes."

He chuckled as he stroked Jackie O on her bony shoulder. "You can expect those accidents to happen even after you've gained full command of your powers. Have you discovered anything else of interest, any gifts not related to the elements? I can't help thinking your ability to commune with animals could manifest itself as a godly blessing."

"Hades has mentioned that too. I just can't picture myself as the horse whisperer. How would that gift help anyone other than the horses Hades keeps? "Lexi glanced over at Hades as he talked with her family. Clary seemed to be enjoying his company, standing closer to him than Lexi was comfortable with, but she needed to get used to the feeling. It would be happening a lot when Persephone arrived next week. 

"Your gift may translate to all animals. Have you met any centaurs or satyrs? They are intelligent creatures, behaving in a similar fashion to gods or well-bred mortals, although I cannot vouch for the ones residing in the underworld. Their manners may be less refined."

Lexi ignored Zeus' jab at the place she now called home. She knew he couldn't stand the thought of her staying there for eternity. "Actually, I recently met a satyr named Pesca. She seemed sweet."

Jackie O interrupted them with a snort and a head shake as Dion walked up. "Are you glad it's not my face you have to look at anymore, Jackie O?" he said, as he rubbed her muzzle. "I thought you might be ready for a walk now that you've had your fill of the veggie tray. Your farts are going to reek."

"Don't be disgusting, Dion," Lexi said, as she led Jackie O to the watering trough. "But you're right about getting Jackie O's blood flowing. What do you say, my girl? Would you like to take a little stroll around the estate?"

Jackie O drank deeply then lifted her head and blew air through her lips, spraying Dion with water. Her antics had the three of them laughing, attracting the attention of the others. Hades walked over and slipped his arm around Lexi's back. The warmth of his hand sent a reassuring rush of adrenaline through her body while simultaneously causing Zeus to pull a face.

"What did I miss?" Hades asked. "It looks like Jackie O is feeling better."

"She seems to be," Lexi offered. "We're going to take her for a walk. Care to join us?"

He placed an affectionate peck on her cheek. "I would love to."

Hadess' enthusiastic response had Lexi wondering if he had been looking for an excuse to escape the conversation with his former lover. She could only hope. He and Dion accompanied her as she led Jackie O out of the stable, leaving Zeus behind to stew. Was Zeus keeping his distance from Hades to avoid potential arguments? Could he be attempting to behave himself for her benefit, or perhaps her mom's? 

Jackie O struggled to navigate the path but seemed determined to stay by Lexi's side, and Dion took the opportunity to pull Hades aside to talk to him, assuming Lexi could not hear them. Of course, she heard every word.

"You seem to know Clary pretty well, Hades," Dion said in a clandestine voice. "Can I ask you a question about her? You know, man to man."

"Of course."

"Well, I've never hooked up with a goddess before. The ones who visit here have all been around since I was a kid, and they're more like family to me. But Clary is different, and she's smokin' hot. Do you think I have a shot with her?"

Lexi wanted to turn around so badly and give Dion a warning glance, but she forced herself to continue walking ahead of them. She would let Dion learn his own lessons.

"If I get your meaning, you are asking me if Clary would be willing to have sex with you over the course of her visit."

"Yes. I know gods are more open minded about sex. Take Zeus, for instance. He's had sex with hundreds of women."

"I am not sure he has bedded hundreds of women, but his excessive promiscuity is not the norm for gods, Dion. We do not all think with our genitalia as mortals seem to believe."

"So, are you saying she might refuse me if I ask?"

"It is likely. Perhaps, if you spent some time getting to know her first. Ask her what brings her joy, then suggest activities you can do together that will cater to that. I am not promising she will agree to your request for sex, but she may agree to another visit if you do not behave like a foolish mortal."

"How will I know if I'm behaving like a foolish mortal?"

Hades chuckled. "If you have to ask me that, then you have your work cut out for you." Lexi hid a grin when Hades pulled up beside her. "Did you get all that?" he whispered as he stole a kiss from her.

"I did."


"Dion is a foolish mortal."

"I'm afraid I have to agree with you."

They continued along the path until it opened up at the front of the estate, where at that moment, a very loud, very red sports car pulled through the gate.

"Who the hell is that?" Lexi growled as she watched the car speed toward them and skid to a stop, spitting pebbles into the air.

"That, dear Lexi, would probably be my son."


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