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Hades found Lexi dozing on Cerberus with a stable full of horses looking on. He stroked Jackie O's mane, whispering his thanks for watching over Lexi, before kneeling down and gently nudging Lexi's shoulder.

"Wake up, my sweet. The night is almost upon us."

Cerberus was the first to wake, lifting his heads to greet Hades and disturbing Lexi from her slumber. "Are you alright, Cerberus?" Lexi said, as she blinked open her eyes. When they landed on Hades, she offered a sheepish smile. "Damn. I fell asleep in the stable, didn't I?"

"You did, and you looked quite relaxed. If it weren't for the approaching dark, I may have joined you."

He held out his hand, helping her to her feet, as Cerberus stood and stretched, exposing a bandaged leg. "I see you have tended to Cerberus' wound. Was it bad?"

"Not terribly. He was a good patient. I had to clean it really well to get the mud out of it. I'm still angry with Kade for being so insensitive. I thought he liked animals."

"He does, but he doesn't possess the level of compassion you do. I don't think anyone does." Hades located a bit of hay that had lodged inside the bodice of her dress and pulled it out, tickling the flesh of her breasts with it. "I didn't get a chance to tell you how stunning you look in this dress, and how much I want to divest you of it."

Lexi smiled shyly as she glanced at the stable door. "Where is Persephone?"

"She is resting. I do not expect her to rise until morning."

The smile on Lexi's face vanished and she lowered her head. "She probably thinks I'm foolish and lacking in any kind of manners."

Hades lifted her chin with his finger. "On the contrary. She thought your concern for Cerberus was exemplary. After you left the table, she told me that word of your masterful feat with Jackie O has already spread throughout Olympus, compliments of your father. Apparently, his announcement has garnered an assemblage of gods putting in their bid as possible suitors."

"Really? But they don't even know me."

"That is not a requirement for the gods. They are seeking to strengthen their lineage."

Lexi snorted as she reached down to scratch behind the ears of one of Cerberus' heads. "Well, the only lineage I'll be helping to strengthen is yours." Hades raised his eyebrows, and Lexi appeared to realize the significance of her words. "That is, when we're ready to make that commitment. You have a child due next month. I'm sure you don't want another one running around the palace so soon afterward."

Hades glanced at the floor, feeling that familiar ache in the pit of his stomach. "Actually, we aren't sure Persephone is carrying my progeny. She may be presenting Eros with another god or goddess."

"Oh." She swallowed audibly as she slipped her hand into his. "Clary told me Persephone is a consort to Eros, but I thought Eros was married to Psyche. Or is that story wrong, too?"

Hades gritted his teeth, wishing he could forget the story of Eros and Psyche. "It is true to a point. Eros received permission to visit the underworld to ask for Psyche's immortality so they could be together forever. As the god of the dead, I am given license to grant mortals immortality, with the help of The Fates. During his visit, Persephone was smitten with Eros and asked that I not grant the request. Eros and Psyche were bound only until her death. Persephone then became his mate. She shares a home with him in Olympus, just as she shares mine here."

"But, I don't understand. I thought she was your mate."

"I am sure it sounds strange to you, having lived your life as a mortal, but imagine you are a goddess who spends nine months of every year away from your mate. When you consider we are here for eternity, that is an awfully long time to spend alone."

"I imagine it is." Lexi stared at him, the unspoken meaning behind her words spilling forth through her bottomless blue eyes. He hoped she was not feeling sorry for him. He wanted her to stay because she loved him not because she pitied him. "Does that mean she is married to both of you?"

"No. Persephone has refused our proposals, out of fairness to us both."

Lexi's brows furrowed in confusion. "But all the books I've read say that you and Persephone are married."

"The books are wrong!" Hades' tone hardened, as did his grip around Lexi's hand, and she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... Maybe we should go inside."

Hades cleared his head with a quick shake, and he brought Lexi's hand to rest on his chest. "I am sorry for lashing out at you. You could not have known. Will you forgive me?"

"Of course, and you don't have to ask for forgiveness every time you get emotional around me. I love that you're so passionate."

He smiled. "Funny. I was thinking the same thing about you. Shall we take our leave? I believe Cerberus is eager to find some leftovers to pilfer." He pointed to Cerberus sitting at the stable door. Two of his heads were inspecting a withered piece of apple on the ground, while the other looked repulsed by the scrap of stale vegetation.

"You have spoiled him, you know," Lexi said as they walked out of the stable. "Which is one more reason to love you."

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