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The commotion started just as Lexi and Anna left the hut. Minotaurs dashed in all directions, abandoning their projects and disappearing behind trees and under shelters. A group of males grabbed spears as they gathered in a circle near the fire pit, joined by the male leader who took up a spear as he brushed past Lexi. Anna spoke with one of the female leaders, who made a hand gesture that mimicked the shooting of an arrow from a bow. 

"What's happening? Why is everyone in a panic?" Lexi asked as her heart beat out a frantic rhythm.

Anna turned to Lexi, her eyes wide and disbelieving. "There are gods in the forest. They have come for the hunt."

"But that can't be. I talked to Zeus this morning, and the council has agreed to a temporary cease fire...of...the... Oh, crap. Ares!" Lexi knew this was her fault. She tried to get her way with the council of the gods, and she had pushed them too far. "I'm going to stop this. Will you come with me, Anna? I might need a translator."

"You want to go out there?" Anna still wore an expression of disbelief as she pointed to a troop of minotaurs charging into the woods, a trail of dust pluming in their wake. "The minotaurs are peace-loving, but you don't want to be anywhere near them when they're armed and angry."

"But I need to get to the gods. I think I know who it is, and I think I can bargain with him." Lexi knew who would get the better end of the bargain and who was going to get screwed, but she had to try. "It's okay if you don't want to come, Anna, but I have to do this."

Lexi took off after the minotaurs, keeping a safe distance away and hoping the sound of their heavy footfalls would cover her. Fortunately, she had chosen to wear pants for her visit to the forest, although she didn't expect to be chasing behind a herd of minotaurs armed with spears. What were they up to, anyway? Were they going to fight back? Was the hunt more like a battle than predator versus prey? No wonder Ares enjoyed it so much. But what about the hunt she and Sella witnessed? What kind of father would bring his young son into battle? Maybe the minotaurs had been traveling to the lake for water and were ambushed by Kade and Hades. Lexi's stomach seized up when she thought of Hades taking down a minotaur. That was not the Hades she knew.

Although she had lost sight of the minotaurs, Lexi felt the vibration of their hooves and heard the distant sound of breaking branches. She followed her senses deeper into the woods until the only sound was her own breathing, which came in short, forceful gasps. It was time for a break. A large tree offered her back a sturdy resting spot, and she slowed her heart rate, something she had practiced when the thrill of competition interfered with her ability to perform. There was no sign of Anna. Apparently, she didn't want to risk getting skewered. Lexi had learned during her short time in the underworld that nymphs were pretty fearless, so Anna's absence had her questioning the intelligence of her choice to bolt into the forest behind a herd of armed minotaurs.

A sharp cry broke through Lexi's thoughts. It sounded like a minotaur, but she couldn't tell exactly what direction it had come from. Was it a cry of pain? Should she wait for another? A wail followed the cry, only this one sounded human, and Lexi took off toward the voice. The forest floor was unforgiving, congested with underbrush and debris, and she focused her efforts on not running into trees or tripping over their enormous roots as she ran. A better pair of shoes would have been nice, as the hiking boots she had brought from home were clunky. The sounds of battle guided her forward, and she finally caught sight of the minotaurs. Their spears were raised above their heads as they whooped and snorted. If she didn't know better, she would swear their cries sounded triumphant.

The risk of getting a spear thrown at her was high, so Lexi stayed well out of range of the minotaurs as she attempted to get a look at what they were shouting about. The first thing to catch her eye was a god taking off a black cape and kneeling over something under a copse of trees. The god looked a helluva lot like Ares, and he had another god with him. They both crouched on the ground, their expressions serious. Had they made a kill and were inspecting their handiwork? It wasn't until Lexi stepped closer that she realized they were not kneeling next to the body of a minotaur, but the body of a god. He lay sprawled on the ground with a spear sticking out of his chest. Lexi's movement alerted Ares, and when he looked at her, his face was as pale as the moon.

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