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Lexi waited nearly an hour for the council meeting to adjourn, and Hecate was annoyingly tight-lipped about what had been discussed as they journeyed home in a palace chariot. Heracles' nephew, Jules, who turned out to be Ares' son, had been assigned to see them to the gates of the underworld. Jules did all the talking, speaking incessantly about Heracles training him to be the best javelin thrower in Olympus' history. Even if Jules had been a mute, Hecate seemed determined to remain incommunicative, at least until they had passed through the gates. That's when Hecate finally spoke.

"I have been asked by Zeus and Poseidon not to speak of the outcome of the council meeting," she said as she and Lexi walked the path. The trees boasted the colors of fall, and the smells reminded Lexi of spring, but somehow this did not cheer her.

"Why not?"

"Because they want Hades to tell you. End of discussion."

Lexi knew when to drop a subject with Hecate, and they continued their trek to the river in silence. Once there, Hecate looked around as if she had lost track of something.

"That's strange," she said. "Hades was supposed to send a pair of horses to take us to our respective homes. It appears we will be making the journey on foot."

Lexi didn't mind walking, in fact, she enjoyed it most of the time, but as her walking partner seemed to be in a mood, she wasn't looking forward to the hour long trip across the snowy landscape. Continuing with her silent treatment, Hecate didn't utter a word all the way to her cabin, other than to tell Lexi to watch her step when they encountered a pile of centaur dung. Hades' horses were still in Hecate's stable, so Lexi was given one to fly home on. She did this as quickly as possible. The deathly quiet had turned into a form of torture, and Lexi hadn't been able to figure out if Hecate was simply carrying out the wishes of her colleagues or if she was pissed off at Lexi.

When Lexi reached the palace, her worries had grown. Why hadn't Hades come out to greet her? Why had he forgotten to send the horses to meet her and Hecate at the path? Where was everyone? The stable had nearly been restored, although it still smelled of smoke, and Lexi brought her horse into a stall next to Misty and Jackie O, spending a few minutes scratching their cheeks.

"You should meet the horses at Poseidon's palace," she told them. "He has Andalusian's and thoroughbreds. I think you two would enjoy yourselves there, but it will probably never happen. Your request to visit wouldn't get past the council. What a bunch of uptight..."

"Lady Lexi! You're back!" Blythe came rushing into the stable and threw her arms around Lexi's middle. "I saw you fly in. I'm sorry I didn't greet you at the bridge. It's so wonderful what you did for Persephone and her baby. It's all anyone can talk about. We have been preparing a special dinner for you and Hades. Of course, we can bring everything up to Hades' room if you are having too much fun saying hello to each other."

Blythe's face bloomed like a Henri Martin rose, a personal favorite of Lexi's, and she smiled at the nymph, feeling grateful to be home.

"Where is Hades? Is he well?" Lexi watched Blythe's face for signs that something was amiss, but Blythe's smile never faltered.

"He should be in his room. The last I heard he had taken a bath. If you hurry, he might still be in a state of undress."

She giggled as she gestured for Lexi to follow her, and they entered the palace through the kitchen, which held the savory scents of dinner. Lexi stopped to compliment the nymphs who worked tirelessly to keep the place running, but she wasn't allowed to linger, being ushered out of the room before she could see where the delicious smells were coming from.

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