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Hades had not intended to tackle the delicate task of securing his future with Lexi so abruptly. He wanted to speak with Persephone first, reaffirming the agreement they made years ago, but Persephone had spent the entire day hunched over her map, jotting down notes and hashing out logistics with Jocelyn. She made it clear to Hades she wanted to use her remaining energy sitting by the fire with an almanac. The approaching childbirth played a role in her fatigue, but Hades noticed her stamina wasn't the same with this pregnancy. Maybe she should have heeded Demeter's advice and stopped at fourteen.

Lexi's mood grew increasingly more solemn as they climbed the north tower, and by the time Hades closed her bedroom door, her hand had begun to tremble inside his. Did she think he was going to toss her to the wind? Surely, she did not hold such a crude opinion of him. He walked her to the balcony where they had stood her first day, when he spoke of the splendors of the underworld and its inhabitants. After which they spent the better part of the day indulging in the passions of two gods in love.

The snow was still falling, which he expected to continue until Persephone got settled, and the fine dusting of white powder gave the landscape a magical aura. Contrary to what the others gods may think, Hades relished the starkness of winter, if nothing else, simply for the change of scenery.

"What do you think of the snow, Lexi?" he asked, eager for any connection he could use to prove the point he planned to make.

"I like snow, and this is the best kind because there's nothing here to mess it up, like cars and plows."

"You haven't been here when the satyrs hold their winter snow castle festival. By the time it's over, there is usually a muddy mess, but I think you will enjoy yourself."

"Is a snow castle anything like a sand castle?"

"Yes, and some of them are very impressive."

"Are gods allowed to participate?"

"Of course. There's a contest, awarding prizes to the top three winners. I have won a few myself. I would love to collaborate with you this year, if you're interested."

"That sounds like fun, but don't you usually collaborate with Persephone? I don't want to interfere."

Hades chuckled as he pulled her closer. "Persephone would never consent to collaborating with me. She likes to be in control, as do most of the gods."

"Has she ever won?"

"Yes, more often than I have."

Lexi forced a smile, but it was short lived, and she began tugging at her lip with her teeth. "She probably hates to lose, too."

It wouldn't take a genius to know where Lexi's mind was taking her, and Hades planted a reassuring kiss on her cheek. "I suppose you would be disappointed if you lost a game of croquet, even if it was to me."

She nodded as her mouth pinched into a pout. "I suppose. You mentioned a heart to heart talk. Is it about Persephone and how I have to accept the fact that you will always be in love with her even while we're making mad passionate love to each other?"

Her words cut him deep, but he knew there would be pain, and he turned Lexi in his arms so he could look into her eyes. "Lexi, there is something I have been contemplating asking you. Frankly, I never thought I would have the opportunity to do this, or that I would find a goddess who moved me the way you do. From the moment you entered my life, I have felt as if the sands of the hourglass have begun drifting upwards instead of down, like the world has decided to turn in the opposite direction, that the sun and moon have switched places. Your face is the first thing I see when I wake in the morning, even before I have opened my eyes, and your smile warms me more intensely than the fires of any furnace. The mere thought of living my life without you is akin to a sentence of eternal torture. This is how much I love you."

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